31/01/2025 Bertus Preller Alimony, Best Interests of the Child, Child Maintenance, Children, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Procedural Law, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Rule 58, Spousal Maintenance, Variation, Variation Rule 43(6) best interests of the child maintenance, burden of proof maintenance, child maintenance law, cohabitation and maintenance, constitutional rights in maintenance, court reasoning in maintenance cases, ex-spouse financial obligations, family law court precedents, financial disclosure in divorce, financial hardship maintenance claims, interim maintenance orders, interim relief family law, KLW v CSW 2025, legal challenges in maintenance reduction, legal precedent in family law, maintenance case law, maintenance disputes South Africa, maintenance law developments, maintenance obligations in divorce, maintenance variation case, Rule 43 South Africa, Rule 43(6) application, Rule 43(6) maintenance, Rule 43(6) precedents, South African divorce maintenance, South African Family Law, spousal maintenance disputes, variation of maintenance orders Legal Uncertainty in KLW v CSW (202035177) [2025] ZAGPJHC 41 (22 January 2025): A Reassessment of Rule 43(6) and Maintenance Variation in South African Law. Introduction The judgment in KLW v CSW (202035177) ZAGPJHC 41 raises important questions regarding the application of Rule 43(6) of the Uniform Rules of Court and the judicial approach to… READ MORE
07/12/2024 Bertus Preller Accomodation, Alimony, Arrear Maintenance Variation, Arrears, Children, Divorce, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Spousal Maintenance, Variation Rule 43(6) children's rights, constitutional protection, court order variation, custody rights, divorce proceedings, family accommodation, Family Law, financial protection, High Court Judgment, interim relief, judicial precedent, legal precedent, Lekhuleni J, maintenance arrears, maintenance default, matrimonial home, matrimonial property, Minor Children, parental obligations, property rights, Property Transfer, rental accommodation, Rule 43 variation, shelter protection, shelter rights, South African courts, spousal maintenance, unilateral property sale, upper guardian, Western Cape High Court Selling the Family Home? Court Protects Children’s Rights to Shelter in Ruling: MSH v JSH (Reasons) (618/2019) [2024] ZAWCHC 406 (29 November 2024). Background: The Sale of the Matrimonial Home and Rule 43 Variation In a recent Western Cape High Court decision, M.S.H v J.S.H (Reasons) (618/2019) ZAWCHC 406 (29 November 2024), the… READ MORE
12/09/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Alimony, Best Interests of the Child, Child Maintenance, Children, Costs, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Spousal Maintenance, Stepparents blended families, child support, children's rights, financial disclosure, forensic investigation, High-net-worth divorce, in loco parentis, interim maintenance, Legal Costs, Rule 43 Application, South African Family Law, standard of living, stepparent maintenance, Western Cape High Court Stepparent Obligations Redefined: N.M v B.M and Others (11384/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 254 (11 September 2024) – Shakes Up Family Law. The Blended Family Dilemma: Stepparent Maintenance in South African Law The recent judgment in N.M v B.M and Others (11384/2024) ZAWCHC 254 (11 September 2024) has brought the complex issue… READ MORE
27/07/2024 Bertus Preller Alimony, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Spousal Maintenance court judgments, Divorce, divorce litigation, Family Law, financial assessment, financial disclosure, full disclosure, interim maintenance, interim relief, legal precedent, Legal proceedings, marital property, matrimonial assets, matrimonial disputes, Mediation, Rule 43, South Africa, spousal support, Uniform Rules of Court Full Disclosure and Reasonableness: Key Lessons from M.Y v J.Y (2024/013982) [2024] ZAGPJHC 684 in Rule 43 Applications (26 July 2024). Background: A Short-Lived Marriage Leads to Rule 43 Application The case of M.Y v J.Y (2024/013982) ZAGPJHC 684 (26 July 2024) revolves around a Rule 43 application filed by the… READ MORE
24/06/2024 Bertus Preller Alimony, Child Maintenance, Children, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Spousal Maintenance Access to Justice, Bannatyne v Bannatyne, best interests of the child, care and contact arrangements, Cary v Cary, child maintenance, Children’s Act 38 of 2005, cost contribution orders, divorce proceedings, Du Preez v Du Preez, financial disclosure, financial transparency, Gender Equality, high-net-worth divorces, high-stakes divorce, interim maintenance, interim relief, L.E.A v A.J.A, Legal Costs, luxurious lifestyle, Mahikeng, maintenance claims, North-West Division High Court, Rule 43 Application, Section 28 Constitution, South African Law, Taute v Taute, trusts and business interests, WT v KT Balancing Luxury and Justice: High-Stakes Divorce and Child Maintenance in L.E.A v A.J.A (990/2024) [2024] ZANWHC 142 – (21 June 2024). Background: A High-Stakes Rule 43 Application Imagine a prominent business executive, Mr. A.J.A, and his spouse, Mrs. L.E.A, who live a life of luxury in a R25 million home, frequently… READ MORE
28/02/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Alimony, Costs, Divorce, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Spousal Maintenance Understanding Rule 43 Applications in South African Family Law. – A.J.K v J.J.L.K (3831/2023) [2024] ZAFSHC 52 (19 February 2024). Introduction and Facts of the Application The case judgement delivered on 19 February 2024 by M.T. Jordaan, AJ, concerns an opposed Rule 43 application within the context of ongoing matrimonial… READ MORE
26/02/2024 Bertus Preller Alimony, Antenuptial Contracts, Child Maintenance, Children, Costs, Divorce, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Spousal Maintenance accrual system, Asset Division, best interests of children, child maintenance, Court Decisions, court ruling, Divorce, divorce litigation, Equality of Arms, equitable distribution, Family Court, Family Law, financial disparity, Financial Disputes, interim relief, Legal Costs, legal obligations, legal principles, Legal proceedings, Legal Representation, maintenance determination, marital breakdown, marital standard of living, matrimonial assets, Parental Responsibilities, Rule 43, South Africa, spousal maintenance, Uniform Rules of Court Deciphering Divorce: A Rule 43 Ruling on Maintenance and a Contribution to Legal Costs – M Q v V S (0221062023) 2024 ZAGPJHC 188 (23 February 2024). Introduction to the Application for Maintenance and Legal Contributions In this Rule 43 application the court was presented with an intricate application concerning the financial sustenance and legal cost contributions… READ MORE
17/02/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Arrears, Contempt of Court, Divorce, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43 child maintenance, child welfare, contempt of court, court authority, court judgments, court orders compliance, divorce disputes, divorce proceedings, enforcement of court orders, Family Court, Family Law, financial capacity, interim relief, legal advice, Legal Ethics, legal obligations, Legal proceedings, Legal Representation, legal sanctions, Legal Strategy, maintenance orders, matrimonial disputes, matrimonial litigation, non-compliance consequences, parental obligations, paternal grandparents, personal responsibility, Rule 43 Application, South African Law Contempt and Conduct in Divorce Disputes: Navigating the Thin Line Between Legal Obligations and Personal Responsibility. – J.S.H v M.S.H and Others (1308/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 42 (16 February 2024). Background and Proceedings Initiated The case of J.S.H v M.S.H and Others, heard in the Western Cape High Court on 26 January 2024, under the judgment of Adhikari AJ, arose… READ MORE
12/02/2024 Bertus Preller Alimony, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Child Maintenance, Children, Divorce, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Parental Rights, Relocation, Rule 43, Spousal Maintenance achieving fair maintenance orders, calculating maintenance, child support, children's welfare in divorce, court analysis, discretion in family court, Divorce Litigation Costs, divorce proceedings, family court judicial decisions, family law insights, financial assistance impact, financial disclosure, financial obligations in divorce, good faith in legal proceedings, interim maintenance, legal obligations of parents, legal precedents in maintenance, legal strategy in family law, maintenance application guidance, maintenance disputes resolution, maintenance order implications, MD v RJD case, navigating divorce challenges, parental financial responsibility, primary residency rulings, reasonable parental contact, Rule 43, Rule 43 applications, South African Family Law Rule 43 Unpacked: Navigating Interim Maintenance in MD v RJD (053357/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 79 (5 February 2024). Introduction In the case of MD v RJD (053357/2022) ZAGPPHC 79 (5 February 2024), the Gauteng Division of the High Court delved into the complexities of interim maintenance for children… READ MORE
12/01/2024 Bertus Preller Costs, Divorce, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions A.F v M.F, Case Law, constitutional principles, contribution quantum, divorce litigation, Equality of Arms, EVG v AJJV, fairness in divorce, Family Law, financial disparity, gender dynamics, interim maintenance, J.K v E.S.K, Judicial Discretion, L.B v D.F.B, Legal Costs, legal expenses, Legal Representation, matrimonial disputes, matrimonial support, past legal costs, Rule 43, South African Law, technological advancements Understanding Rule 43: The Framework for Legal Cost Contributions in Divorce Litigation. INTRODUCTION In the realm of matrimonial law, Rule 43 of the Uniform Rules of Court stands as a pivotal mechanism, designed to address the financial imbalances that often arise during… READ MORE