19/12/2024 Bertus Preller Costs, Divorce, Procedure, Recission of Divorce Orders, Settlement agreements condonation applications, consent agreement, consent paper validity, Consent Papers, consent validity, Court Jurisdiction, court order rescission, Court Procedures, divorce consent requirements, divorce law south africa, divorce order challenges, divorce order variation, divorce proceedings, divorce rights, divorce settlements, financial pressure divorce, High Court Judgment, legal consent, legal precedent, legal representation divorce, mapongwana aj, Marriage Dissolution, mental health divorce, rescission of court orders, rule 42 applications, rule 42 uniform rules, South African Family Law, undue influence divorce, Western Cape High Court No Easy Path to Rescind Divorce Orders: Western Cape High Court’s Ruling in MMS v LES (5910/2019) [2024] ZAWCHC (19 December 2024). Court Finds No Grounds for Rescission of Divorce Order Despite Claims of Undue Influence In an important judgment delivered by Acting Judge Mapongwana in the Western Cape Division of the… READ MORE
19/11/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Appeal, Best Interests of the Child, Children, Coercive Control, Conduct of Childcare Experts, Costs, Divorce, Family Law Court System South Africa, In Community of Property, Marital Regimes, Pacta sunt servanda, Parental Alienation, Parental Rights, Punitive Cost Orders, Relocation, Settlement agreements, Shared Residency best interests of child, breastfeeding rights, Child Custody, children's rights, children's act, Constitutional Rights, costs order, custody agreement, custody battle, divorce proceedings, divorce settlement, Family Advocate, family advocate recommendations, Family Court, Family Law, financial coercion, joint estate, Judicial Discretion, legal precedent, matrimonial property, Medupi Power Station, Parental Rights, parenting plan, Primary Caregiver, primary residence, settlement agreement, South African courts, Supreme Court of Appeal, unilateral relocation, upper guardian When Power Moves Meet Parental Rights: High Court Pulls the Plug on Dad’s Custody Settlement in ZDE v CE (1011/2022) [2024] ZASCA 159. (18 November 2024). Background to the Matter Picture this: the corridors of the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein, where legal dramas unfold with the regularity of load-shedding schedules. But this time, the… READ MORE
01/11/2024 Bertus Preller Contempt of Court, Costs, Divorce, Hiding Assets, International Divorce, Procedure, Settlement agreements asset distribution, civil debt, civil imprisonment, civil procedure, constitutional law, contempt of court, court authority, Court Orders, cross-border enforcement, debt enforcement, Divorce Act, divorce litigation, divorce settlement, doctrine of effectiveness, emigration consequences, foreign jurisdiction, international debtor, international divorce, international enforcement, jurisdiction, Justice Wille, Legal Jurisdiction, maintenance arrears, maintenance obligations, matrimonial property, monetary judgments, nulla bona, Saudi Arabia, South African Law, Western Cape High Court From Cape Town to Saudi: Why Your Ex Can’t Be Jailed Abroad – V.L v O.C.V (11677/2006 ; 18206/2007) [2024] ZAWCHC 338 (29 October 2024). Background: A 17-Year-Old Divorce Settlement Gone Wrong Picture this: A divorce settlement from 2006, a respondent who jetted off to Saudi Arabia, and an ex-spouse wielding a court order like… READ MORE
24/10/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Best Interests of the Child, Child Maintenance, Children, Costs, Divorce, Family Law Court System South Africa, Financial Disclosure, Maintenance, Parental Rights, Procedural Law, Settlement agreements, Shared Residency attorney misconduct, attorney responsibility, Children's Best Interests, children's act, court officers, court protocols, court upper guardian, Divorce Act, Divorce Law, divorce maintenance, divorce proceedings, divorce settlements, family advocate investigations, Family Advocate role, Family Law, High Court judgments, judicial criticism, Legal Ethics, legal fees disallowed, legal practice standards, legal practitioner duties, maintenance obligations, professional boundaries, professional conduct, shared custody, shared residency, unopposed divorce, WhatsApp communication Attorney’s WhatsApp Blunder Costs Fees in Shared Residency Battle – P.V.Z v L.V.Z (047502/2024 ; 36830/2022 ; 064524/2023) [2024] ZAGPPHC 1046. Shared Residency: Not Always the Default Solution for Divorced Parents In a groundbreaking judgment delivered by Acting Judge Haupt in P.V.Z v L.V.Z (047502/2024; 36830/2022; 064524/2023) ZAGPPHC 1046, the Gauteng… READ MORE
17/09/2024 Bertus Preller Division of Estate, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, In Community of Property, Marriage, Settlement agreements Asset Division, community of property, Divorce Act, divorce proceedings, elderly couples, fairness in divorce, full disclosure, High Court Judgment, judicial responsibility, judicial scrutiny, late-life divorce, legal precedent, long-term marriage, marital estate, settlement agreement, South African Law, uncontested divorce, voluntary agreement Judicial Vigilance in Late-Life Divorce: Unpacking E.T v S.T (2024/066890) [2024] ZAGPJHC 873 (16 September 2024). The Importance of Full Disclosure in Divorce Settlements The recent judgment in E.T v S.T (2024/066890) ZAGPJHC 873 (16 September 2024) highlights a crucial aspect of divorce proceedings in South… READ MORE
13/09/2024 Bertus Preller Asset Disclosure, Division of Estate, Divorce, Hiding Assets, In Community of Property, Recission of Divorce Orders, Settlement agreements Asset Concealment, civil procedure, community of property, contract law, Court Jurisdiction, court order, damages claim, divorce proceedings, divorce settlement, exception, Family Law, financial disclosure, fraud allegations, fraudulent misrepresentation, Judicial Discretion, Legal Ethics, legal precedent, legal remedy, Legal Strategy, Marital Assets, matrimonial property, non-disclosure, professional liability, Public Policy, res judicata, separate action, settlement agreement, South African Law, Western Cape High Court Deception Exposed: L A C v J C [2024] ZAWCHC 143 – (9 September 2024) – Unmasks Fraud in Divorce Settlement Shocker. The Crux of the Case The crux of the case in L A C v J C and Others ZAWCHC 143 was whether the plaintiff could pursue a separate action… READ MORE
09/09/2024 Bertus Preller Arrears, Children, Contempt of Court, Divorce, Maintenance, Procedural Law, Procedure, Punitive Cost Orders, Recission of Divorce Orders, Settlement agreements, Urgency attorney-client costs, best interests of the child, child adoption, consent paper, court order, custody, Divorce, Family Law, High Court, mental capacity, Parental Rights, punitive costs, rescission, settlement agreement, South African Law Mental Capacity and Punitive Costs: The Cautionary Tale of C.H v A.C and Others (13612/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 245. (4 September 2024) Background: A Tumultuous Divorce and Custody Battle The case of C.H v A.C and Others (13612/2024) ZAWCHC 245 unfolds against a backdrop of protracted legal skirmishes following the breakdown of… READ MORE
25/07/2024 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, Antenuptial Contracts, Appeal, Divorce, Pacta sunt servanda, Procedural Law, Procedure, Settlement agreements accrual system, appealable order, civil procedure, client advice, client communication, common mistake, contract law, divorce settlement, Family Law, judicial interpretation, justus error, legal certainty, Legal Practitioners, professional liability, settlement agreement, South African Law, Supreme Court of Appeal, thorough preparation, variation Legal Pitfalls in Divorce Settlements: B v B [2024] ZASCA 116 (24 July 2024). Warns Practitioners. The Dispute: A Settlement Agreement Under Scrutiny The case of B v B (259/2023) ZASCA 116 originated from a divorce settlement that quickly became contentious after its conclusion. The parties,… READ MORE
30/04/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Children, Divorce, Hostile Family Lawyers, Maintenance, Settlement agreements attorney behavior, attorney-client relationship, case analysis, child maintenance, conflict resolution in family law, courtroom behavior, D v D, effective dispute resolution, emotive language, ethical practice, family court conduct, Family Law, family law attorneys, High Court Johannesburg, impact of decorum, judicial guidance, judicial opinions, legal decorum, Legal Ethics, legal professionalism, legal representatives, non-hostile conduct, professional behavior, settlement agreement, South African Family Law, strategic legal practice, ZAGPJHC 1688 Encouraging Decorum: The Importance of Non-Hostile Conduct Among Family Law Attorneys in D v D (2021/23816) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1688 (26 April 2024). Introduction In the case of D v D (2021/23816) ZAGPJHC 1688 (26 April 2024), the crux of the matter stemmed from the respondent's decision to issue a writ of execution… READ MORE
03/04/2024 Bertus Preller Contempt of Court, Divorce, Settlement agreements, Trusts, Trusts accountability, Asset Division, beneficiary interests, compliance, contempt of court, court judgment, divorce order, divorce settlement, duty, Family Law, fiduciary responsibility, Johannesburg High Court, joint action, legal obligations, Legal proceedings, legal remedy, M.F v V.F case, Property Division, property sale, settlement agreement, South African trust law, trust administration, Trust assets, trust deed, trust law, trust management, trust property, trustee conduct, trustees Duties of Trustees Unveiled: Insights from the M.F v V.F Case Analysis – M.F v V.F and Others (2003/22202) [2024] ZAGPJHC 318 (2 April 2024). The Facts Mr. M F (the applicant) and Mrs. V F (the first respondent) were married until their divorce on 15 July 2005. The divorce order incorporated a settlement agreement,… READ MORE