13/07/2024 Bertus Preller Artificial fertilisation, Best Interests of the Child, Child Maintenance, Children, Guardianship, Life Partnerships, Parental Rights, Same Sex Couples 2024 ZAGPJHC 626, A.V and Another v D.C, artificial fertilisation, AV and NZ, best interests of the child principle, Child's Best Interests, children's act, co-parenting, Constitutional Court, Contact rights, custody disputes, DC, family advocate report, Family Law, family law practitioners, guardianship, identity and birth certificate, international travel consent, judicial decision, Legal Framework, legal precedent, maintenance payments, medical aid dispute, Parental Rights, permanent life partner, Section 21, Section 23, Section 40, South African Law, VJV case Case on Same-Sex Couples and Artificial Fertilisation: A.V and Another v D.C and Others (40522/19) [2024] ZAGPJHC 626 (26 June 2024) – Balancing Parental Rights and Child’s Best Interests Introduction In A.V and Another v D.C and Others (40522/19) ZAGPJHC 626 (26 June 2024), the applicants, AV and NZ, and the first respondent, DC, initially believed that certain sections… READ MORE
18/01/2024 Bertus Preller Cohabitation, Common Law Marriage in South Africa, Common Law Wife, Life Partnerships, Living Together, Universal Partnership Asset Division, cohabitation, Cohabiting Couples, Contemporary Society, Evolving Norms, Family Law, Historical Origins, Landmark Cases, legal challenges, Legal Framework, Legal Protections, legal recognition, Marriage Alternatives, Modern Relationships, non-marital relationships, Partnership Criteria, Partnership Dissolution, relationship dynamics, Relationship Rights, Roman Law, Roman-Dutch Law, South African Law, Support Obligations, Universal Partnerships UNLOCKING THE LEGAL MYSTERIES OF UNIVERSAL PARTNERSHIPS: NAVIGATING SOUTH AFRICA’S MODERN RELATIONSHIP LANDSCAPE. OVERVIEW OF LEGAL RECOGNITION OF UNIVERSAL PARTNERSHIPS Definition and Essence Universal partnerships, in legal terms, refer to a form of partnership where individuals share their lives and resources in a… READ MORE
18/12/2023 Bertus Preller Life Partnerships, Living Together, Universal Partnership Asset Division, Business Partnerships, Cohabitation Agreements, cohabitation rights, Common-Law Relationships, Contractual Relationships, Joint Ventures, legal obligations, Legal Protection, Legal Rights, Non-Marital Partnerships, Partnership Dissolution, Personal Rights, Prescription Law, Prescription Period, Property Division, South African Law, Universal Partnerships, unmarried couples Dividing the Fruits of A Universal Partnership – The Prescription Dilemma in Khan v Shaik (641/2019) [2020] ZASCA 108. Introduction In the Supreme Court of Appeal case of Khan v Shaik (641/2019) ZASCA 108, the South African courts grappled with a nuanced and complex question: Can a claim for… READ MORE
18/12/2023 Bertus Preller Life Partnerships, Universal Partnership cohabitation rights, estate disputes, estate management, estate rights, Family Law, inheritance law, joint asset ownership, landmark judgment, legal case analysis, legal precedent, legal recognition, LL v CH N.O., non-marital relationships, partnership outside marriage, property sharing, relationship law, South Africa High Court, South African Law, universal partnership Unveiling the Invisible Ties: How a Landmark Case Redefined Universal Partnerships in South Africa. – L.L v C.H NO and Others (A018010/2023) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1440 (12 December 2023). Introduction In the case involving LL (Appellant) and CH N.O. (First Respondent) among others, the central issue revolved around the existence of a universal partnership between LL and the late… READ MORE
16/12/2023 Bertus Preller Abuse, Adversarial Legal System, Children, Coercive Control, Cohabitation, Counselling, Cultural Abuse, Digital Abuse, Divorce, Emotional Abuse, Financial Abuse, Harrassment, Hostile Family Lawyers, Infidelity, Life Partnerships, Living Together, Marriage, Mediation, Neglect, Physical Abuse, Psychological Abuse, Reasons for Dicorce, Sexual Abuse, Spiritual Abuse, Verbal Abuse Amazon, Apple Books, Bertus Preller, communication skills, Conflict Resolution, couple counseling, couple therapy, divorce lawyer, emotional intelligence, Family Law, healthy marriage, legal expertise, love and relationships, marital guidance, marriage advice, matrimonial advice, navigating relationships., partnership tips, psychological insights, relationship book, Relationship Challenges, relationship dynamics, Relationship Guide, relationship maintenance, relationship resilience, relationship strategies, self-help, Takealot, The Unexpected Counsellor, understanding love The Unexpected Counsellor – A Divorce Lawyer’s Strategies to Navigate Love and Avoid Heartbreak. About the Book In the intricate dance of relationships, where every step counts and every misstep matters, Bertus Preller's latest book, "The Unexpected Counsellor," emerges as a beacon of wisdom… READ MORE
01/07/2023 Bertus Preller Children, Cohabitation, Life Partnerships, Living Together, Parental Rights, Same Sex Couples artificial fertilisation, Bertus Preller, best interests of the child, Children’s Act 38 of 2005, Children’s Court, Constitutional Court, constitutional defects, constitutional invalidity, discrimination, Divorce Attorney Cape Town, Divorce News, Family Law, family life, marital status, parental rights and responsibilities, Parliament, permanent life partners, remedy, right to dignity, sexual orientation Landmark Ruling: South Africa’s Constitutional Court Declares Section 40 of the Children’s Act Unconstitutional, Affirming Parental Rights for Same-Sex Couples. VJV AND ANOTHER v MINISTER OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND ANOTHER ZACC 21 - 29 JUNE 2023 The Constitutional Court ruled on an application for validation of a constitutional invalidity that… READ MORE
01/07/2023 Bertus Preller Children, Life Partnerships, Living Together, Relocation best interests of minor children, cohabitation, Constitutional Court, discrimination, Divorce, Divorce Attorney Cape Town, Divorce News, equality, human dignity, landmark judgement, married parents, Mediation in Certain Divorce Matters Act 24 of 1987, never-married parents, Office of the Family Advocate, Section 4, South Africa, South African Constitution relocation Landmark Constitutional Court Ruling: Equal Access to Family Advocate Services for All Parents in South Africa. CENTRE FOR CHILD LAW V T S AND OTHERS ZACC 22 - 29 June 2023 THE FACTS The facts of the Centre for Child Law v T S and Others… READ MORE
22/03/2023 Bertus Preller Cohabitation, Common Law Marriage in South Africa, Common Law Wife, Interim Maintenance, Life Partnerships, Living Together, Maintenance, Rule 43 Bertus Preller, cohabitation, common law marriage in South Africa, Divorce Attorney Cape Town, Family Law, life-partnership, maintenance Life Partnerships and Maintenance – Dissenting Judgement E.W v V.H [2023] ZAWCHC 58 (17 March 2023) There is no doubt that the matter of E.W v V.H (12272/2022) ZAWCHC 58 (17 March 2023) will advance to the Constitutional Court for clarity on whether a duty of… READ MORE
17/03/2023 Bertus Preller Cohabitation, Common Law Marriage in South Africa, Common Law Wife, Life Partnerships, Living Together, Maintenance Life Partnerships – Maintenance – Missed Opportunity – EW v VH & Women’s Legal Trust Centre, case no. 12272/2022. In previous articles I wrote about an application in the Cape High Court, extending the common law regarding to maintenance to partners in a life partnership. A descending judgement was… READ MORE
29/01/2023 Bertus Preller Cohabitation, Common Law Marriage in South Africa, Common Law Wife, Life Partnerships cohabitation, common law marriage in South Africa, declining marriage rate, Divorce, Divorce Attorney Cape Town, Family Law, life-partnership, marriage, marriage in South Africa, marriage statistics, marriage stats The Declining Marriage Rate in South Africa. Marriages are increasingly becoming less common in South Africa. According to the Marriages and Divorce, 2020 report published by Statistics South Africa, the total number of people getting married has… READ MORE