26/09/2024 Bertus Preller Abuse, Coercive Control, Cultural Abuse, Digital Abuse, Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence, Emotional Abuse, Financial Abuse, Harassment, Physical Abuse, Psychological Abuse Burden of Proof, credibility assessment, domestic violence, Domestic Violence Act, evidence evaluation, High Court Judgment, Judicial Review, legal precedent, legal safeguards, magistrates court, mental health, protection orders, relationship dynamics, South African Law Tipping the Scales: High Court Overturns Domestic Violence Order in K.J.G v J.T.G (A85/2024) [2024] ZAGPPHC 913. Background: A Troubled Marriage and the Domestic Violence Act The case of K.J.G v J.T.G (A85/2024) ZAGPPHC 913 (6 September 2024) offers a poignant glimpse into the complexities of domestic… READ MORE
18/01/2024 Bertus Preller Cohabitation, Common Law Marriage in South Africa, Common Law Wife, Life Partnerships, Living Together, Universal Partnership Asset Division, cohabitation, Cohabiting Couples, Contemporary Society, Evolving Norms, Family Law, Historical Origins, Landmark Cases, legal challenges, Legal Framework, Legal Protections, legal recognition, Marriage Alternatives, Modern Relationships, non-marital relationships, Partnership Criteria, Partnership Dissolution, relationship dynamics, Relationship Rights, Roman Law, Roman-Dutch Law, South African Law, Support Obligations, Universal Partnerships UNLOCKING THE LEGAL MYSTERIES OF UNIVERSAL PARTNERSHIPS: NAVIGATING SOUTH AFRICA’S MODERN RELATIONSHIP LANDSCAPE. OVERVIEW OF LEGAL RECOGNITION OF UNIVERSAL PARTNERSHIPS Definition and Essence Universal partnerships, in legal terms, refer to a form of partnership where individuals share their lives and resources in a… READ MORE
16/12/2023 Bertus Preller Abuse, Adversarial Legal System, Children, Coercive Control, Cohabitation, Counselling, Cultural Abuse, Digital Abuse, Divorce, Emotional Abuse, Financial Abuse, Harrassment, Hostile Family Lawyers, Infidelity, Life Partnerships, Living Together, Marriage, Mediation, Neglect, Physical Abuse, Psychological Abuse, Reasons for Dicorce, Sexual Abuse, Spiritual Abuse, Verbal Abuse Amazon, Apple Books, Bertus Preller, communication skills, Conflict Resolution, couple counseling, couple therapy, divorce lawyer, emotional intelligence, Family Law, healthy marriage, legal expertise, love and relationships, marital guidance, marriage advice, matrimonial advice, navigating relationships., partnership tips, psychological insights, relationship book, Relationship Challenges, relationship dynamics, Relationship Guide, relationship maintenance, relationship resilience, relationship strategies, self-help, Takealot, The Unexpected Counsellor, understanding love The Unexpected Counsellor – A Divorce Lawyer’s Strategies to Navigate Love and Avoid Heartbreak. About the Book In the intricate dance of relationships, where every step counts and every misstep matters, Bertus Preller's latest book, "The Unexpected Counsellor," emerges as a beacon of wisdom… READ MORE
09/07/2023 Bertus Preller Abuse, Children, Living Together, Parental Rights age difference, Bertus Preller, biological father, boarding school, child welfare, custody dispute, deception, denial of access, Family Law, impact on child, legal battle, minor child, mother, non-compliance, out of wedlock, parental conflict, physical abuse, protection order, relationship dynamics, sentencing, unconventional parenting, unique case, verbal abuse The Complex Battle for Care and Contact: An Unconventional Case of Parental Conflict, the Views, and the Welfare of a Minor Child. A.C v S.A.M (22507/2021) ZAGPJHC 756 (27 June 2023) INTRODUCTION This matter was initially brought before the court on 18 May 2021 as an urgent application. The applicant sought an… READ MORE