29/08/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Costs, Maintenance, Procedural Law, Procedure, Rule 43 attorney fees, brevity, case management, court efficiency, divorce proceedings, Family Law, interim relief, Judicial Discretion, judicial rebuke, KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Legal Education, Legal Ethics, Legal Practitioners, matrimonial disputes, Mossop J, procedural abuse, prolixity, Rule 43, South Africa Judicial Crackdown on Verbose Rule 43 Applications: S.M v N.M (D6667/2024) [2024] ZAKZDHC 54 – (28 August 2024) The Essence of Rule 43: Brevity and Expediency in Matrimonial Proceedings In the recent High Court judgment of S.M v N.M (D6667/2024) ZAKZDHC 54 (28 August 2024), Judge Mossop delivered… READ MORE
27/07/2024 Bertus Preller Alimony, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Spousal Maintenance court judgments, Divorce, divorce litigation, Family Law, financial assessment, financial disclosure, full disclosure, interim maintenance, interim relief, legal precedent, Legal proceedings, marital property, matrimonial assets, matrimonial disputes, Mediation, Rule 43, South Africa, spousal support, Uniform Rules of Court Full Disclosure and Reasonableness: Key Lessons from M.Y v J.Y (2024/013982) [2024] ZAGPJHC 684 in Rule 43 Applications (26 July 2024). Background: A Short-Lived Marriage Leads to Rule 43 Application The case of M.Y v J.Y (2024/013982) ZAGPJHC 684 (26 July 2024) revolves around a Rule 43 application filed by the… READ MORE
13/06/2024 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, Anti-Dissipation Interdicts, anti-dissipatory relief, Appeal, Divorce, Procedural Law accrual system, anti-dissipation interdict, appealability, asset dissipation, constitutional values, constitutionalization, Divorce, evidentiary threshold, exceptional circumstances, fair outcomes, Family Law, intentions, interests of justice, interim orders, judicial accountability, KSL v AL, legal developments, legal principles, marital property, matrimonial disputes, precedents, rule 34 offers, settlement negotiations, South African Law, strategic litigation, Supreme Court of Appeal The SCA Unraveling the Intricacies of Anti-Dissipation Interdicts in Matrimonial Disputes: Lessons from KSL v AL (356/2023) [2024] ZASCA 96 (13 June 2024). The Lowdown: Facts and Background of KSL v AL (356/2023) ZASCA 96 (13 June 2024) The saga of KSL v AL began when KSL (the husband) tied the knot with… READ MORE
08/06/2024 Bertus Preller Alimony, Divorce, Domicile, Jurisdiction, Maintenance, Muslim Marriages, Procedural Law, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Spousal Maintenance Acting Judge Wathen-Falken, Cheshire's Private International Law, conflicts of law, Covid-19, cross-border divorce, Divorce Act 70 of 1979, domicile, domicile of choice, flexible living arrangements, foreign divorce orders, Glen v Glen, interim relief, jurisdiction, legal professionals, lis pendens, Massey v Massey, matrimonial disputes, private international law, remote work, reportable judgment, residence, Rule 43 applications, S.W v S.W, South African divorce law, specialized legal advice Navigating the Complexities of Cross-Border Divorce: An Analysis of the Reportable Judgment in S.H-K v R.K (6170/2023) [2024] ZAWCHC 1 by Wathen-Falken AJ. The Complexities of Divorce Proceedings Across International Borders The case of S.H-K v R.K (6170/2023) ZAWCHC (06 May 2024) highlights the intricacies and challenges that arise when divorce proceedings span… READ MORE
23/03/2024 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, Appeal, Divorce, Marital Regimes, Trusts, Trusts accrual system, alter ego trust, Antenuptial Contracts, Asset Concealment, asset protection, Divorce, equitable division, estate calculation, financial manipulation, financial strategy, judicial interpretation, Legal precedents, legal remedies, marital rights, marital wealth, matrimonial disputes, matrimonial property, Paf v Scf, Property Division, South African Law, spouse entitlements, Trust assets, Trust Property Control Act, trust veil Unraveling Trust Assets in Divorce: Navigating South African Matrimonial Law. Trust Assets in Matrimonial Disputes: Navigating South African Legal Waters In South African family law, the treatment of trust assets in matrimonial disputes, particularly during divorce proceedings, presents a complex… READ MORE
22/03/2024 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, Antenuptial Contracts, Divorce accrual system, Antenuptial Contracts, asset exclusion, B F v R F, contract clauses, Divorce, divorce proceedings, equitable distribution, financial analysis, future assets, High Court Judgment, legal interpretation, legal precedent, legal principles, majority judgment, Marital Assets, matrimonial disputes, matrimonial property, matrimonial regime, minority opinion, Property Division, shareholdings, South African Family Law, spousal rights Deciphering Asset Exclusions in Divorce: The Landmark Case of B F v R F (2017/5018A) [2018] ZAGPJHC 699; 2019 (4) SA 145 (GJ) (2 July 2018) and Its Impact on South African Family Law. Introduction, Key Legal Issue, and Antenuptial Contract Asset Exclusion The case of B F v R F delved into the complex interpretation of an antenuptial contract, specifically focusing on a… READ MORE
26/02/2024 Bertus Preller Divorce, Procedure, Recission of Divorce Orders Case Law, clean hands doctrine, Condonation, Constitutional Rights, Court Orders, Deeds Registries Act, Divorce Decree, divorce proceedings, due process, equitable relief, Family Court, Family Law, Legal Analysis, legal challenges, Legal precedents, Legal proceedings, legal remedies, Legal Representation, matrimonial disputes, matrimonial property, procedural fairness, property rights, rescission of judgment, Rule 31(2)(b), Rule 42(1)(a), service of summons, South African Law, Uniform Rules of Court Unraveling Legal Mysteries: The Rescission of Divorce Decrees in South African Law. – E S v J S (2011/19961) [2024] ZAGPJHC 164 (19 February 2024). Introduction to the Case of E S v J S In the intriguing case of E S v J S (2011/19961) ZAGPJHC 164, adjudicated on 19 February 2024, the court… READ MORE
17/02/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Arrears, Contempt of Court, Divorce, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43 child maintenance, child welfare, contempt of court, court authority, court judgments, court orders compliance, divorce disputes, divorce proceedings, enforcement of court orders, Family Court, Family Law, financial capacity, interim relief, legal advice, Legal Ethics, legal obligations, Legal proceedings, Legal Representation, legal sanctions, Legal Strategy, maintenance orders, matrimonial disputes, matrimonial litigation, non-compliance consequences, parental obligations, paternal grandparents, personal responsibility, Rule 43 Application, South African Law Contempt and Conduct in Divorce Disputes: Navigating the Thin Line Between Legal Obligations and Personal Responsibility. – J.S.H v M.S.H and Others (1308/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 42 (16 February 2024). Background and Proceedings Initiated The case of J.S.H v M.S.H and Others, heard in the Western Cape High Court on 26 January 2024, under the judgment of Adhikari AJ, arose… READ MORE
09/02/2024 Bertus Preller Costs, Division of Estate, Divorce, In Community of Property, International Divorce, International Divorce, Liquidator, Marital Regimes, Procedural Law Antenuptial Contract, Bertus Preller, cross-border marriage, divorce proceedings, expert evidence, F. Bezuidenhout AJ, financial disclosure, foreign marriage, full disclosure, immediate division, international private law, landmark case, legal precedent, legal principles, Lex Domicilii Matrimonii, matrimonial consequences, matrimonial disputes, matrimonial domicile, matrimonial law, matrimonial property, Matrimonial Property Act, MPA, new case, new judgement, procedural law, Rule 36(9), Rule 43 applications, South African Law, Substantive Law Deciphering L.E v L.A (1884/2018) [2024] ZAGPJHC 104 (9 February 2024): A Landmark Case on Foreign Marriages and South African Property Law. – 9 February 2024. Introduction to the Case In a landmark decision that navigates the intersection of matrimonial law and international private law, the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Johannesburg, was presented… READ MORE
27/01/2024 Bertus Preller Abuse, Adultery, Coercive Control, Costs, Divorce, Emotional Abuse, Financial Abuse, Forfeiture of Benefits, In Community of Property, Infidelity, Physical Abuse, Psychological Abuse, Reasons for Dicorce Asset Division, asset forfeiture in divorce, court evidence, court judgments, divorce case analysis, Divorce Law, divorce litigation, divorce outcomes, divorce settlements, equitable distribution, extra-marital affairs, family court dynamics, family law case studies, forfeiture, legal implications, Legal proceedings, Legal Strategy, marital breakdown, Marriage Dissolution, matrimonial conduct, matrimonial disputes, patrimonial benefits, personal conduct, physical abuse, protection orders, South African Family Law, spousal allegations, spousal behavior, spouse behavior in divorce Infidelity, Abuse, and Forfeiture: Behind the Gavel – Deciphering the Role of Personal Conduct in Divorce Outcomes in South African Courts. – M.F.B v J.B (5674/2016) [2024] ZALMPPHC 7 (24 January 2024). Background and Claims In the case presided over by Naude-Odendaal J, the Plaintiff M.F.B filed for divorce against the Defendant J.B on 23 November 2016. The Plaintiff sought a decree… READ MORE