30/11/2024 Bertus Preller Anti-Dissipation Interdicts, anti-dissipatory relief, Division of Estate, Divorce, In Community of Property, Interdict, Procedural Law, Procedure Attorney Conduct, auction process, civil procedure, conveyancing, court order, divorce agreement, divorce proceedings, divorce settlement, execution debtor, execution sale, High Court Judgment, judicial fairness, judicial interpretation, judicial oversight, Legal Ethics, legal fairness, legal precedent, market value, matrimonial assets, matrimonial property, procedural fairness, property auction, property dispute, property law, property rights, property rights protection, Property Transfer, Property Valuation, sale in execution, Sheriff's sale, South African Law From R1.5 Million to R1000: How a Divorce Property Sale Went Terribly Wrong – M.R.M v M.F.M and Others (M614/2023) [2024] ZANWHC 289 (26 November 2024). In what could be dubbed "The Case of the Thousand Rand Mansion," the North West High Court recently had to grapple with a property sale that would make any estate… READ MORE
29/11/2024 Bertus Preller Divorce, Procedure, Redistribution Claim amendment applications, amendment costs, amendment of pleadings, amendment rules, civil procedure, court amendments, Court Applications, court process, court rules, divorce amendments, divorce claims, divorce courts, Divorce Law, divorce litigation, divorce pleadings, divorce proceedings, High Court judgments, Judicial Discretion, legal amendments, legal developments, Legal Procedure, matrimonial property, pending divorces, pleadings procedure, procedural law, property claims, property redistribution, redistribution claims, Rule 55A Amending Divorce Pleadings: RVB v JVB (A92/2024) [2024] ZAFSHC Opens Door for Redistribution Claims. Background: Marriage and Divorce Proceedings In October 2009, a couple embarked on their marital journey with a clear legal framework in place. They entered into an antenuptial contract that explicitly… READ MORE
12/11/2024 Bertus Preller Antenuptial Contracts, Antenuptial Contracts, Costs, Divorce, Marital Regimes, Procedural Law, Procedure Antenuptial Contract, attorney misconduct, caveat subscriptor, civil procedure, court costs, divorce proceedings, elderly marriage, explanatory affidavits, factual disputes, legal documents, legal presumptions, legal signatures, legal trust, marriage law, matrimonial disputes, matrimonial property, motion application, motion proceedings, notary, oral evidence, personal relationships, Plascon-Evans rule, professional conduct, property regime, Rule 6(5)(g), signing documents, South African Law, wedding gift, wedding MC, Western Cape High Court From Wedding MC to Legal Emergency: How a Rushed Signature Led to a Marriage Property Crisis – B C B v L L B and Others (15788/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 206 (11 November 2024). The Marriage and the Disputed Antenuptial Contract - A 90-Year-Old Groom and His 60-Year-Old Bride In a remarkable case that recently came before the Western Cape High Court, a marriage… READ MORE
01/11/2024 Bertus Preller Contempt of Court, Costs, Divorce, Hiding Assets, International Divorce, Procedure, Settlement agreements asset distribution, civil debt, civil imprisonment, civil procedure, constitutional law, contempt of court, court authority, Court Orders, cross-border enforcement, debt enforcement, Divorce Act, divorce litigation, divorce settlement, doctrine of effectiveness, emigration consequences, foreign jurisdiction, international debtor, international divorce, international enforcement, jurisdiction, Justice Wille, Legal Jurisdiction, maintenance arrears, maintenance obligations, matrimonial property, monetary judgments, nulla bona, Saudi Arabia, South African Law, Western Cape High Court From Cape Town to Saudi: Why Your Ex Can’t Be Jailed Abroad – V.L v O.C.V (11677/2006 ; 18206/2007) [2024] ZAWCHC 338 (29 October 2024). Background: A 17-Year-Old Divorce Settlement Gone Wrong Picture this: A divorce settlement from 2006, a respondent who jetted off to Saudi Arabia, and an ex-spouse wielding a court order like… READ MORE
28/10/2024 Bertus Preller Children, Maintenance, Paternity Fraud, Procedure Access to Justice, affidavits via Zoom, birth certificate amendment, children's act, civil litigation, civil procedure, Constitutional Rights, court modernization, court precedent, digital evidence, divorce settlement, DNA results, DNA testing, electronic evidence, Family Law, High Court Judgment, judicial interpretation, legal presumption, legal presumptions, legal reform, legal technology, maintenance obligations, maintenance payments, parental rights termination, parenting plan, paternity fraud, remote legal procedures, South African Law, virtual commissioning, WhatsApp evidence From WhatsApp to Whoops: How Digital Messages and a Virtual Oath Transformed Paternity Law in VJS v SH (19578/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 333: Can You Zoom Your Way to Justice? Background: A Paternity Dispute Emerges from WhatsApp Messages In a significant judgment from the Western Cape High Court, a project manager working at the US Embassy in Pakistan sought to… READ MORE
13/09/2024 Bertus Preller Asset Disclosure, Division of Estate, Divorce, Hiding Assets, In Community of Property, Recission of Divorce Orders, Settlement agreements Asset Concealment, civil procedure, community of property, contract law, Court Jurisdiction, court order, damages claim, divorce proceedings, divorce settlement, exception, Family Law, financial disclosure, fraud allegations, fraudulent misrepresentation, Judicial Discretion, Legal Ethics, legal precedent, legal remedy, Legal Strategy, Marital Assets, matrimonial property, non-disclosure, professional liability, Public Policy, res judicata, separate action, settlement agreement, South African Law, Western Cape High Court Deception Exposed: L A C v J C [2024] ZAWCHC 143 – (9 September 2024) – Unmasks Fraud in Divorce Settlement Shocker. The Crux of the Case The crux of the case in L A C v J C and Others ZAWCHC 143 was whether the plaintiff could pursue a separate action… READ MORE
04/09/2024 Bertus Preller Divorce, Spoliation business continuity, business premises, civil procedure, counter-spoliation, divorce proceedings, High Court ruling, joint ownership, legal precedent, mandament van spolie, marital dispute, matrimonial property, Mediation, office access, peaceful possession, property developers, property rights, South African Law, spoliation, Urgent Application Office Access Showdown: High Court Settles Spousal Spat in H.J.C v M.C.C (2041/2024) [2024] ZANCHC 79 – (30 August 2024). Background: A Marital Dispute Turned Property Access Saga In the heart of Kimberley, a seemingly routine marital dispute escalated into a complex legal battle over property access, as seen in… READ MORE
29/08/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Appeal, Children, Costs, Divorce, Procedural Law, Rule 43, Rule 58 appealability, civil procedure, divorce proceedings, Family Advocate, Family Law, High Court, interests of justice, interlocutory orders, irreparable harm, judicial economy, magistrates court, Rule 58, Rule 60A, South Africa Family Law Feud: High Court Strikes Down Appeal in M.K v M.K (A2023/123739) [2024] ZAGPJHC 829 – (28 August 2024) Background: A Divorce Case and an Irregular Step Application The case of M.K v M.K (A2023/123739) ZAGPJHC 829 (28 August 2024) revolves around a divorce proceeding and an application made… READ MORE
25/07/2024 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, Antenuptial Contracts, Appeal, Divorce, Pacta sunt servanda, Procedural Law, Procedure, Settlement agreements accrual system, appealable order, civil procedure, client advice, client communication, common mistake, contract law, divorce settlement, Family Law, judicial interpretation, justus error, legal certainty, Legal Practitioners, professional liability, settlement agreement, South African Law, Supreme Court of Appeal, thorough preparation, variation Legal Pitfalls in Divorce Settlements: B v B [2024] ZASCA 116 (24 July 2024). Warns Practitioners. The Dispute: A Settlement Agreement Under Scrutiny The case of B v B (259/2023) ZASCA 116 originated from a divorce settlement that quickly became contentious after its conclusion. The parties,… READ MORE