30/04/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Children, Divorce, Hostile Family Lawyers, Maintenance, Settlement agreements attorney behavior, attorney-client relationship, case analysis, child maintenance, conflict resolution in family law, courtroom behavior, D v D, effective dispute resolution, emotive language, ethical practice, family court conduct, Family Law, family law attorneys, High Court Johannesburg, impact of decorum, judicial guidance, judicial opinions, legal decorum, Legal Ethics, legal professionalism, legal representatives, non-hostile conduct, professional behavior, settlement agreement, South African Family Law, strategic legal practice, ZAGPJHC 1688 Encouraging Decorum: The Importance of Non-Hostile Conduct Among Family Law Attorneys in D v D (2021/23816) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1688 (26 April 2024). Introduction In the case of D v D (2021/23816) ZAGPJHC 1688 (26 April 2024), the crux of the matter stemmed from the respondent's decision to issue a writ of execution… READ MORE
08/07/2023 Bertus Preller Children, Divorce, Marriage, Parental Rights, Relocation Bertus Preller, Best interests of the minor children, Children Act 38 of 2005, Contact rights, Divorce, Divorce Attorney Cape Town, Divorce News, Divorce process, High Court Johannesburg, Lack of urgency, MVN v MN case, Passport and visa application, Pending custody and access application, Regional Court Springs, Relocation to Ireland, Rule 58 application, Termination of parental responsibilities and rights, Urgent application dismissal From South Africa to Ireland: The Relocation Battle That Lacked Urgency. MVN v MN case number 060071/23, High Court in Johannesburg - 30 June 2023 On the 21st of June 2023, the Applicant (wife) brought an urgent application against the Respondent… READ MORE