12/09/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Alimony, Best Interests of the Child, Child Maintenance, Children, Costs, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Spousal Maintenance, Stepparents blended families, child support, children's rights, financial disclosure, forensic investigation, High-net-worth divorce, in loco parentis, interim maintenance, Legal Costs, Rule 43 Application, South African Family Law, standard of living, stepparent maintenance, Western Cape High Court Stepparent Obligations Redefined: N.M v B.M and Others (11384/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 254 (11 September 2024) – Shakes Up Family Law. The Blended Family Dilemma: Stepparent Maintenance in South African Law The recent judgment in N.M v B.M and Others (11384/2024) ZAWCHC 254 (11 September 2024) has brought the complex issue… READ MORE
21/08/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Best Interests of the Child, Children, Costs, Family Law Court System South Africa, Joint Decision Making, Parental Coordinator, Schools, Urgency Alternative Dispute Resolution, attorney-client scale, best interests of the child, Child Custody, co-parenting, communication skills, costs order, facilitative mediation, Family Advocate, legal precedent, Mediation, parenting coordinator, Rule 41A, school choice, Self-Created Urgency, South African Family Law, Uniform Rules of Court, urgent court application, Western Cape High Court Urgent Co-Parenting Battles: A Lesson in Patience from D.D v I.L and Another (16939/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 215 (20 August 2024). Background: A Preschool Predicament In the Western Cape High Court case of D.D v I.L and Another (16939/2024) ZAWCHC 215 (20 August 2024), we encounter a poignant example of how… READ MORE
20/08/2024 Bertus Preller Arrears, Children, Divorce, Maintenance, Pension Funds appellate intervention, Asset Division, child best interests, child support, child welfare, divorce settlement, equitable maintenance, family court High Court Child maintenance, financial assessment, financial fairness, financial proportionality, High Court appeal, Judicial Discretion, Judicial Review, legal obligations, legal precedent, legal reform, magistrate court error, Maintenance Act, maintenance calculation, Maintenance Order, maintenance revision, parental obligations, Parental Rights, pension fund attachment, retirement benefits, retrenchment impact, South African Family Law, Training Layoff Scheme, unemployment consideration Balancing Act: High Court Overturns Punitive Maintenance Order in L.N v N.N (A2923/005472) [2024] ZAGPJHC 772 (19 August 2024). Background: The Divorce Settlement and Initial Maintenance Order The case of L.N v N.N (A2923/005472) ZAGPJHC 772 stems from a divorce settlement reached in August 2022. As part of this… READ MORE
07/08/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Best Interests of the Child, Children, Costs, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Hostile Family Lawyers, Maintenance, Procedure, Rule 43, Spousal Maintenance aggressive litigation tactics, asset depletion, child welfare, divorce process critique, exorbitant legal fees, financial disclosure, financial hardship, high-conflict divorce, interim relief, judicial case management, Legal Costs, legal reform, maintenance variation, Material change in circumstances, matrimonial property, minor child impact, prolonged litigation, Rule 43, South African Family Law A Decade of Divorce: L.S v J.S (23967/2012) [2024] ZAGPJHC 653 Exposes Flaws in South African Family Law (2 August 2024). Background: A 12-Year Divorce Battle Reaches New Heights The case of L.S v J.S (23967/2012) ZAGPJHC 653 (2 August 2024) presents a stark illustration of the perils of prolonged divorce… READ MORE
12/06/2024 Bertus Preller Best Interests of the Child, Child maintenance against a deceased estate, Children, Costs, Exceptions, Maintenance, Maintenance Claims On Death, Procedure actuarial reports, best interests of the child, child maintenance, child support, children’s act, common law duty, Constitution Section 28(2), court analysis, Court Rulings, deceased estates, estate disputes, estate management, estate obligations, executors’ responsibilities, Family Law, Family Law cases, family law framework, financial needs, L.L v A.J.M, legal interpretation, legal obligations, Legal precedents, legal principles, maintenance calculations, maintenance claims, maintenance law, parental duty, South African Family Law, ZAGPPHC 523 Maintenance Claims Against Deceased Estates: Analysis of L.L v A.J.M and Others (014357/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 523 (7 June 2024). Background and Context of the Case The case L.L v A.J.M and Others (014357/2022) ZAGPPHC 523 (7 June 2024) involves a dispute over the maintenance claims made by L L,… READ MORE
30/04/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Children, Divorce, Hostile Family Lawyers, Maintenance, Settlement agreements attorney behavior, attorney-client relationship, case analysis, child maintenance, conflict resolution in family law, courtroom behavior, D v D, effective dispute resolution, emotive language, ethical practice, family court conduct, Family Law, family law attorneys, High Court Johannesburg, impact of decorum, judicial guidance, judicial opinions, legal decorum, Legal Ethics, legal professionalism, legal representatives, non-hostile conduct, professional behavior, settlement agreement, South African Family Law, strategic legal practice, ZAGPJHC 1688 Encouraging Decorum: The Importance of Non-Hostile Conduct Among Family Law Attorneys in D v D (2021/23816) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1688 (26 April 2024). Introduction In the case of D v D (2021/23816) ZAGPJHC 1688 (26 April 2024), the crux of the matter stemmed from the respondent's decision to issue a writ of execution… READ MORE
22/03/2024 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, Antenuptial Contracts, Divorce accrual system, Antenuptial Contracts, asset exclusion, B F v R F, contract clauses, Divorce, divorce proceedings, equitable distribution, financial analysis, future assets, High Court Judgment, legal interpretation, legal precedent, legal principles, majority judgment, Marital Assets, matrimonial disputes, matrimonial property, matrimonial regime, minority opinion, Property Division, shareholdings, South African Family Law, spousal rights Deciphering Asset Exclusions in Divorce: The Landmark Case of B F v R F (2017/5018A) [2018] ZAGPJHC 699; 2019 (4) SA 145 (GJ) (2 July 2018) and Its Impact on South African Family Law. Introduction, Key Legal Issue, and Antenuptial Contract Asset Exclusion The case of B F v R F delved into the complex interpretation of an antenuptial contract, specifically focusing on a… READ MORE
18/03/2024 Bertus Preller Best Interests of the Child, Children, Parental Rights, Views of the Child best interests principle, child autonomy, Child Custody, child development, Child Participation, Child Psychology, child rights, child testimony, child welfare, child-friendly practices, child's voice, Children’s Act 38 of 2005, constitutional mandate, Court Decisions, Custody Battles, divorce proceedings, expert testimony, Family Advocate, Family Court, judicial approach, judicial interpretation, legal challenges, Legal Framework, Legal proceedings, legal reform, Legal Representation, Parental Rights, South African Family Law, UNCRC Amplifying the Child’s Voice: Navigating Family Law in South Africa. The principle of the child's voice in South African family law represents a fundamental aspect of the legal system’s commitment to ensuring that children's rights and welfare are prioritized in… READ MORE
15/03/2024 Bertus Preller Best Interests of the Child, Parental Rights, Relocation Australia, Child Custody, child welfare, child's preference, Child's Best Interests, court decision, cross-border custody, cultural integration, Custodian Parent, custody agreement, educational impact, expert evidence, Family Advocate, Family Court, France, Hague Convention, International Relocation, judicial analysis, legal dispute, legal precedent, legal principles, non-custodial parent, parental consent, parental plans, Parental Rights, psychological evaluation, relocation guidelines, RH v NM, South African Family Law Navigating the Waters of International Child Relocation: A Legal Deep Dive into R.H v N.M (12871/2021) [2024] ZAWCHC 77 (11 March 2024). Navigating International Custody Disputes: Insights from RH v NM In the matter of RH v NM, the Western Cape High Court delved into a complex international custody dispute, providing significant… READ MORE
22/02/2024 Bertus Preller Appeal, Children, Costs, Mootness, Relocation awarding of costs, best interests of the child, child custody appeals, Child Relocation, family court decisions, family law appeals, High Court judgments, legal appeals, legal challenges in relocation, legal disputes over child care, legal implications of relocation, legal precedents in family law, legal strategies in family disputes, maintenance payments and custody, mootness in law, Parental Rights, punitive cost orders, South African Family Law, T.R v S.M Deciphering the Legal Labyrinth: T.R v S.M (035901/2023) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1745 (21 February 2024) and the Intricacies of Family Law Appeals Background In a recent judgment by the Gauteng Local Division of the High Court in Johannesburg, the case between T.R. (Applicant) and S.M. (Respondent) was deliberated. The Applicant sought leave… READ MORE