31/01/2025 Bertus Preller Alimony, Best Interests of the Child, Child Maintenance, Children, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Procedural Law, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Rule 58, Spousal Maintenance, Variation, Variation Rule 43(6) best interests of the child maintenance, burden of proof maintenance, child maintenance law, cohabitation and maintenance, constitutional rights in maintenance, court reasoning in maintenance cases, ex-spouse financial obligations, family law court precedents, financial disclosure in divorce, financial hardship maintenance claims, interim maintenance orders, interim relief family law, KLW v CSW 2025, legal challenges in maintenance reduction, legal precedent in family law, maintenance case law, maintenance disputes South Africa, maintenance law developments, maintenance obligations in divorce, maintenance variation case, Rule 43 South Africa, Rule 43(6) application, Rule 43(6) maintenance, Rule 43(6) precedents, South African divorce maintenance, South African Family Law, spousal maintenance disputes, variation of maintenance orders Legal Uncertainty in KLW v CSW (202035177) [2025] ZAGPJHC 41 (22 January 2025): A Reassessment of Rule 43(6) and Maintenance Variation in South African Law. Introduction The judgment in KLW v CSW (202035177) ZAGPJHC 41 raises important questions regarding the application of Rule 43(6) of the Uniform Rules of Court and the judicial approach to… READ MORE
30/01/2025 Bertus Preller Costs, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Procedural Law, Section 7 Matrimonial Properties Act accrual system, acting justice friedman, asset declaration, Asset Disclosure, beneficial ownership, catch-me-if-you-can principle, company assets, constitutional powers, corporate structures, disclosure obligations, divorce litigation, divorce procedure, divorce proceedings, divorce tactics, financial disclosure, financial transparency, Gauteng High Court, High Court Judgment, interlocutory applications, Judicial Discretion, legal precedent, matrimonial law, matrimonial property, Matrimonial Property Act, Practice Directive, Rule 33(4), Rule 43, section 7 notice, separation application, South African Law, Trust assets Playing Hide and Seek with Assets? High Court Says ‘Game Over!’ – D.M v D.M (2021 043212) [2025] ZAGPJHC 31 (28 January 2025). The Novel Question: When Must a Spouse Comply with a Section 7 Notice? When it comes to financial disclosure in divorce proceedings, some spouses treat their assets like a magician's… READ MORE
20/01/2025 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Anti-Dissipation Interdicts, anti-dissipatory relief, Asset Disclosure, Division of Estate, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Hiding Assets, Maintenance, Procedural Law, Punitive Cost Orders, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Rule 58 Alternative Dispute Resolution, asset dissipation, court enforcement, divorce proceedings, early disclosure, equitable outcomes, Family Law, financial asymmetry, financial disclosure, financial disclosure forms, financial fraud, financial information gap, financial transparency, Gauteng Practice Directive, Gender Equality, Maintenance Act, maintenance disputes, Marital Assets, marital estate, matrimonial property, Mediation, POPI compliance, privacy concerns, procedural reform, South Africa, South African Law Reform Commission, spousal maintenance, Trust assets, uberrimae fidei The Financial Information Gap in Family Law: Addressing Inequities and Reforming Disclosure Practices. The Financial Information Gap: Understanding the Core Problem in Family Law Matters The landscape of family law in South Africa faces a critical challenge rooted in the asymmetrical access to… READ MORE
19/12/2024 Bertus Preller Costs, Divorce, Procedure, Recission of Divorce Orders, Settlement agreements condonation applications, consent agreement, consent paper validity, Consent Papers, consent validity, Court Jurisdiction, court order rescission, Court Procedures, divorce consent requirements, divorce law south africa, divorce order challenges, divorce order variation, divorce proceedings, divorce rights, divorce settlements, financial pressure divorce, High Court Judgment, legal consent, legal precedent, legal representation divorce, mapongwana aj, Marriage Dissolution, mental health divorce, rescission of court orders, rule 42 applications, rule 42 uniform rules, South African Family Law, undue influence divorce, Western Cape High Court No Easy Path to Rescind Divorce Orders: Western Cape High Court’s Ruling in MMS v LES (5910/2019) [2024] ZAWCHC (19 December 2024). Court Finds No Grounds for Rescission of Divorce Order Despite Claims of Undue Influence In an important judgment delivered by Acting Judge Mapongwana in the Western Cape Division of the… READ MORE
29/11/2024 Bertus Preller Alienation, Best Interests of the Child, Children, Costs, Curator Ad Litem, Divorce, Parental Alienation, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Shared Residency abuse investigation, best interests of child, case coordinator, child protection, child safety, child sexual abuse allegations, child testimony, child welfare, child's voice, children's act, court-ordered therapy, curator ad litem, custody disputes, custody evaluation, evidence assessment, expert evidence, family court experts, family court procedure, family dynamics, forensic interviewing, forensic social workers, parental contact, Parental Rights, professional expertise, psychological evaluation, sexual abuse assessment, sexual misconduct claims, social work credentials, social work evaluation, supervised access Sexual Abuse Allegations & Expert Social Workers: High Court Sets New Standards in Child Care and Contact – N.J.B.D. v C.D (8780/2021P) [2024] ZAKZPHC 112 (27 November 2024). Background: A Complex History of Custody Disputes and Sexual Misconduct Allegations In a compelling judgment delivered by Acting Justice Nicholson in the KwaZulu-Natal Division of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg, the… READ MORE
19/11/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Appeal, Best Interests of the Child, Children, Coercive Control, Conduct of Childcare Experts, Costs, Divorce, Family Law Court System South Africa, In Community of Property, Marital Regimes, Pacta sunt servanda, Parental Alienation, Parental Rights, Punitive Cost Orders, Relocation, Settlement agreements, Shared Residency best interests of child, breastfeeding rights, Child Custody, children's rights, children's act, Constitutional Rights, costs order, custody agreement, custody battle, divorce proceedings, divorce settlement, Family Advocate, family advocate recommendations, Family Court, Family Law, financial coercion, joint estate, Judicial Discretion, legal precedent, matrimonial property, Medupi Power Station, Parental Rights, parenting plan, Primary Caregiver, primary residence, settlement agreement, South African courts, Supreme Court of Appeal, unilateral relocation, upper guardian When Power Moves Meet Parental Rights: High Court Pulls the Plug on Dad’s Custody Settlement in ZDE v CE (1011/2022) [2024] ZASCA 159. (18 November 2024). Background to the Matter Picture this: the corridors of the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein, where legal dramas unfold with the regularity of load-shedding schedules. But this time, the… READ MORE
15/11/2024 Bertus Preller Abuse, Costs, Defamation, Revenge Porn civil damages quantum, civil remedies, cyber harassment, cyber violence remedies, cybercrime South Africa, cybersecurity jurisprudence, digital abuse precedent, digital evidence law, digital harassment damages, digital privacy law, digital rights South Africa, Facebook harassment, Gauteng High Court, image-based abuse, internet privacy law, intimate image abuse, Justice Mia judgment, online defamation, online harassment damages, online privacy rights, online protection precedent, privacy breach compensation, privacy litigation breakthrough, privacy violation, protection orders, psychological damages, revenge porn damages, social media abuse judgment, social media defamation, social media law Face(book) the Music: Justice Mia’s R4.3 Million Digital Privacy Judgment in KS v AM and SHM (2021/28121) [2024] ZAGHC. High Court Awards Landmark R4.3 Million in Revenge Porn Case In a watershed judgment that's giving social media abusers a very expensive wake-up notification, the Gauteng Local Division of the… READ MORE
13/11/2024 Bertus Preller Alimony, Appeal, Arrear Maintenance Variation, Arrears, Best Interests of the Child, Child Maintenance, Children, Costs, Maintenance, Maintenance Court, Variation child interests, child maintenance, child rights, Constitutional Court, court access, judicial authority, judicial integrity, Legal Practitioners, Maintenance Act, maintenance appeals, maintenance arrears, maintenance beneficiaries, maintenance claims, maintenance compliance, maintenance courts, maintenance default, maintenance discharge, maintenance enforcement, maintenance judgments, maintenance jurisdiction, maintenance law, maintenance obligations, maintenance officers, maintenance orders, maintenance proceedings, maintenance variations, maintenance write-offs, Prescription Period, punitive costs, SS v VV-S Maintenance Orders in South African Law Constitutional Court Jurisprudence and Fundamental Principles Introduction The enforcement of maintenance orders in South Africa has evolved significantly through Constitutional Court jurisprudence. The landmark case SS v VVS 2018 (6)… READ MORE
12/11/2024 Bertus Preller Antenuptial Contracts, Antenuptial Contracts, Costs, Divorce, Marital Regimes, Procedural Law, Procedure Antenuptial Contract, attorney misconduct, caveat subscriptor, civil procedure, court costs, divorce proceedings, elderly marriage, explanatory affidavits, factual disputes, legal documents, legal presumptions, legal signatures, legal trust, marriage law, matrimonial disputes, matrimonial property, motion application, motion proceedings, notary, oral evidence, personal relationships, Plascon-Evans rule, professional conduct, property regime, Rule 6(5)(g), signing documents, South African Law, wedding gift, wedding MC, Western Cape High Court From Wedding MC to Legal Emergency: How a Rushed Signature Led to a Marriage Property Crisis – B C B v L L B and Others (15788/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 206 (11 November 2024). The Marriage and the Disputed Antenuptial Contract - A 90-Year-Old Groom and His 60-Year-Old Bride In a remarkable case that recently came before the Western Cape High Court, a marriage… READ MORE
01/11/2024 Bertus Preller Contempt of Court, Costs, Divorce, Hiding Assets, International Divorce, Procedure, Settlement agreements asset distribution, civil debt, civil imprisonment, civil procedure, constitutional law, contempt of court, court authority, Court Orders, cross-border enforcement, debt enforcement, Divorce Act, divorce litigation, divorce settlement, doctrine of effectiveness, emigration consequences, foreign jurisdiction, international debtor, international divorce, international enforcement, jurisdiction, Justice Wille, Legal Jurisdiction, maintenance arrears, maintenance obligations, matrimonial property, monetary judgments, nulla bona, Saudi Arabia, South African Law, Western Cape High Court From Cape Town to Saudi: Why Your Ex Can’t Be Jailed Abroad – V.L v O.C.V (11677/2006 ; 18206/2007) [2024] ZAWCHC 338 (29 October 2024). Background: A 17-Year-Old Divorce Settlement Gone Wrong Picture this: A divorce settlement from 2006, a respondent who jetted off to Saudi Arabia, and an ex-spouse wielding a court order like… READ MORE