12/10/2024 Bertus Preller Costs, Divorce, Procedural Law, Separation Applications asset dissipation, Asset Division, attorney-client scale, business interests, community of property, costs order, court ruling, Divorce, evidentiary rules, Gauteng High Court, hearsay evidence, inadmissible evidence, joint estate, Legal Requirements, matrimonial dispute, Matrimonial Property Act, prejudice, prima facie case, Section 20, South Africa, Urgent Application, urgent relief, ZAGPPHC Divorce Drama Derailed: BTTM v NKM (054684 2024) [2024] ZAGPPHC 992 Exposes Pitfalls of Hasty Matrimonial Asset Division – (1 October 2024). Background: A Marriage in Community of Property Heads for Divorce In the bustling corridors of the Gauteng Division of the High Court in Pretoria, a matrimonial dispute unfolded that would… READ MORE
17/09/2024 Bertus Preller Division of Estate, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, In Community of Property, Marriage, Settlement agreements Asset Division, community of property, Divorce Act, divorce proceedings, elderly couples, fairness in divorce, full disclosure, High Court Judgment, judicial responsibility, judicial scrutiny, late-life divorce, legal precedent, long-term marriage, marital estate, settlement agreement, South African Law, uncontested divorce, voluntary agreement Judicial Vigilance in Late-Life Divorce: Unpacking E.T v S.T (2024/066890) [2024] ZAGPJHC 873 (16 September 2024). The Importance of Full Disclosure in Divorce Settlements The recent judgment in E.T v S.T (2024/066890) ZAGPJHC 873 (16 September 2024) highlights a crucial aspect of divorce proceedings in South… READ MORE
20/08/2024 Bertus Preller Arrears, Children, Divorce, Maintenance, Pension Funds appellate intervention, Asset Division, child best interests, child support, child welfare, divorce settlement, equitable maintenance, family court High Court Child maintenance, financial assessment, financial fairness, financial proportionality, High Court appeal, Judicial Discretion, Judicial Review, legal obligations, legal precedent, legal reform, magistrate court error, Maintenance Act, maintenance calculation, Maintenance Order, maintenance revision, parental obligations, Parental Rights, pension fund attachment, retirement benefits, retrenchment impact, South African Family Law, Training Layoff Scheme, unemployment consideration Balancing Act: High Court Overturns Punitive Maintenance Order in L.N v N.N (A2923/005472) [2024] ZAGPJHC 772 (19 August 2024). Background: The Divorce Settlement and Initial Maintenance Order The case of L.N v N.N (A2923/005472) ZAGPJHC 772 stems from a divorce settlement reached in August 2022. As part of this… READ MORE
06/08/2024 Bertus Preller Abuse, Adultery, Division of Estate, Divorce, Forfeiture of Benefits, In Community of Property, Infidelity, Maintenance, Rule 43 Asset Division, child maintenance, community of property, court judgment, credibility assessment, Divorce Act, equitable distribution, Forfeiture of benefits, marital contributions, medical aid post-divorce, misconduct, non-financial contributions, pension interest, South African divorce Equitable Division Triumphs: Insights from M.L.M v T.M.M (10864/15) [2024] ZAGPPHC 743 (2 August 2024). Background of the M.L.M v T.M.M Divorce Case The case of M.L.M v T.M.M (10864/15) ZAGPPHC 743 (2 August 2024) involved a divorce proceeding in the High Court of South… READ MORE
20/07/2024 Bertus Preller Child Maintenance, Divorce, Marital Regimes, Pension Funds accrual system, Arrear Maintenance, Asset Division, Case Law, community of property, Court Rulings, Divorce Act 70 of 1979, divorce settlements, Family Law, financial landscape, fund depletion, future maintenance, housing loans, legal complexities, Legal precedents, maintenance obligations, maintenance orders, marital dissolution, marital property law, Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984, Pension Funds, Pension Funds Amendment Bill 2024, pension interests, retirement benefits, retirement savings, South Africa, South African Law, Two-Pot retirement system The Two-Pot Retirement System and Maintenance: Revolutionising Divorce Settlements in South Africa under the Pension Funds Amendment Bill 2024. Introduction South Africa's financial landscape is on the brink of a significant transformation with the imminent implementation of the Two-Pot retirement system on 1 September 2024. This innovative approach to… READ MORE
21/06/2024 Bertus Preller Alimony, Divorce, In Community of Property, Maintenance, Spousal Maintenance Asset Division, clean break principle, costs award, court discretion, Divorce Act, divorce settlement, earning capacity, financial planning, financial security, financial vulnerability, Gender Equality, health considerations, holistic approach, Judicial Discretion, legal precedent, life-long maintenance, long-term marriage, Marital Assets, medical aid, pension benefits, permanent maintenance, post-divorce living standards, procedural flexibility, quality of life, rehabilitative maintenance, retirement funds, South African divorce law, spousal support, witness credibility Life-Long Spousal Maintenance Upheld: M.T v E.T (8197/2018) [2024] ZAGPJHC 578 (20 June 2024). Background: A 28-Year Marriage Comes to an End The case of M.T v E.T (8197/2018) ZAGPJHC 578 (20 June 2024) presents a moving tale of a long-term marriage's dissolution and… READ MORE
19/06/2024 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, Adversarial Legal System, Alimony, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Division of Estate, Divorce, Grey Divorce, In Community of Property, Maintenance, Pension Funds, Reasons for Dicorce, Spousal Maintenance Alternative Dispute Resolution, Antenuptial Contracts, arbitration, Asset Division, Collaborative Divorce, Divorce Act 70 of 1979, Divorce Attorney, divorce settlements, Emotional Challenges, emotional well-being, estate planning, Family Law, Financial Advisors, financial considerations, Grey Divorce, legal guidance, Marital Property Regimes, Mediation, Pension Funds, Retirement Planning, Self-care, South Africa, spousal maintenance, Tax Professionals Navigating the Complexities of Grey Divorce in South Africa: A Comprehensive Guide. Introduction Navigating the complexities of divorce is never an easy task, but for those over the age of 50, the challenges can be particularly daunting. In South Africa, the phenomenon… READ MORE
03/04/2024 Bertus Preller Contempt of Court, Divorce, Settlement agreements, Trusts, Trusts accountability, Asset Division, beneficiary interests, compliance, contempt of court, court judgment, divorce order, divorce settlement, duty, Family Law, fiduciary responsibility, Johannesburg High Court, joint action, legal obligations, Legal proceedings, legal remedy, M.F v V.F case, Property Division, property sale, settlement agreement, South African trust law, trust administration, Trust assets, trust deed, trust law, trust management, trust property, trustee conduct, trustees Duties of Trustees Unveiled: Insights from the M.F v V.F Case Analysis – M.F v V.F and Others (2003/22202) [2024] ZAGPJHC 318 (2 April 2024). The Facts Mr. M F (the applicant) and Mrs. V F (the first respondent) were married until their divorce on 15 July 2005. The divorce order incorporated a settlement agreement,… READ MORE
22/03/2024 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, Antenuptial Contracts, Divorce accrual system, Antenuptial Contract, asset calculation, Asset Division, commencement assets, commencement value, contractual terms, court judgment, Divorce, divorce litigation, estate accrual, Estate Valuation, Family Law, Financial Disputes, Legal Analysis, legal interpretation, legal precedent, marital agreements, Marriage Dissolution, matrimonial property, property exclusion, South African Law, spousal rights, T.N v N.G Commencement Values in Divorce: Analysing T.N v N.G (formerly N) and Others (18159/2013) [2018] ZAWCHC 29; 2018 (4) SA 316 (WCC) (12 March 2018) and the Impact on Antenuptial Contract Interpretation in South Africa. Introduction and Facts In the case of T.N v N.G (formerly N) and Others, the Western Cape Division of the High Court in Cape Town presided over a divorce action… READ MORE
26/02/2024 Bertus Preller Alimony, Antenuptial Contracts, Child Maintenance, Children, Costs, Divorce, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Spousal Maintenance accrual system, Asset Division, best interests of children, child maintenance, Court Decisions, court ruling, Divorce, divorce litigation, Equality of Arms, equitable distribution, Family Court, Family Law, financial disparity, Financial Disputes, interim relief, Legal Costs, legal obligations, legal principles, Legal proceedings, Legal Representation, maintenance determination, marital breakdown, marital standard of living, matrimonial assets, Parental Responsibilities, Rule 43, South Africa, spousal maintenance, Uniform Rules of Court Deciphering Divorce: A Rule 43 Ruling on Maintenance and a Contribution to Legal Costs – M Q v V S (0221062023) 2024 ZAGPJHC 188 (23 February 2024). Introduction to the Application for Maintenance and Legal Contributions In this Rule 43 application the court was presented with an intricate application concerning the financial sustenance and legal cost contributions… READ MORE