20/08/2024 Bertus Preller Arrears, Children, Divorce, Maintenance, Pension Funds appellate intervention, Asset Division, child best interests, child support, child welfare, divorce settlement, equitable maintenance, family court High Court Child maintenance, financial assessment, financial fairness, financial proportionality, High Court appeal, Judicial Discretion, Judicial Review, legal obligations, legal precedent, legal reform, magistrate court error, Maintenance Act, maintenance calculation, Maintenance Order, maintenance revision, parental obligations, Parental Rights, pension fund attachment, retirement benefits, retrenchment impact, South African Family Law, Training Layoff Scheme, unemployment consideration Balancing Act: High Court Overturns Punitive Maintenance Order in L.N v N.N (A2923/005472) [2024] ZAGPJHC 772 (19 August 2024). Background: The Divorce Settlement and Initial Maintenance Order The case of L.N v N.N (A2923/005472) ZAGPJHC 772 stems from a divorce settlement reached in August 2022. As part of this… READ MORE
15/06/2024 Bertus Preller Adoption, Best Interests of the Child, Child Maintenance, Children, Maintenance, Parental Rights 3 June 2024, A25/2024, adoption process, best interests of the child, child protection, child welfare, child-centric approach, Children’s Act 38 of 2005, Constitutional Rights, Contemporary Society, de facto adoptions, duty of support, emotional bond, familial arrangements, Family Law, High Court, informal adoptions, Legal Framework, legal obligations, legal recognition, Legal Technicalities, maintenance obligations, parental care, Parental Responsibilities, R S v J S and Others, South African Law, voluntary assumption, ZAWCHC 83 Embracing the Best Interests of the Child: A Legal Analysis of De Facto Adoptions and Maintenance Obligations in R S v J S and Others (A25/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 83 (3 June 2024). Factual Matrix and Procedural History: A Comprehensive Overview of R S v J S and Others (A25/2024) ZAWCHC 83 (3 June 2024) The judgment of R S v J S… READ MORE
12/06/2024 Bertus Preller Best Interests of the Child, Child maintenance against a deceased estate, Children, Costs, Exceptions, Maintenance, Maintenance Claims On Death, Procedure actuarial reports, best interests of the child, child maintenance, child support, children’s act, common law duty, Constitution Section 28(2), court analysis, Court Rulings, deceased estates, estate disputes, estate management, estate obligations, executors’ responsibilities, Family Law, Family Law cases, family law framework, financial needs, L.L v A.J.M, legal interpretation, legal obligations, Legal precedents, legal principles, maintenance calculations, maintenance claims, maintenance law, parental duty, South African Family Law, ZAGPPHC 523 Maintenance Claims Against Deceased Estates: Analysis of L.L v A.J.M and Others (014357/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 523 (7 June 2024). Background and Context of the Case The case L.L v A.J.M and Others (014357/2022) ZAGPPHC 523 (7 June 2024) involves a dispute over the maintenance claims made by L L,… READ MORE
03/04/2024 Bertus Preller Contempt of Court, Divorce, Settlement agreements, Trusts, Trusts accountability, Asset Division, beneficiary interests, compliance, contempt of court, court judgment, divorce order, divorce settlement, duty, Family Law, fiduciary responsibility, Johannesburg High Court, joint action, legal obligations, Legal proceedings, legal remedy, M.F v V.F case, Property Division, property sale, settlement agreement, South African trust law, trust administration, Trust assets, trust deed, trust law, trust management, trust property, trustee conduct, trustees Duties of Trustees Unveiled: Insights from the M.F v V.F Case Analysis – M.F v V.F and Others (2003/22202) [2024] ZAGPJHC 318 (2 April 2024). The Facts Mr. M F (the applicant) and Mrs. V F (the first respondent) were married until their divorce on 15 July 2005. The divorce order incorporated a settlement agreement,… READ MORE
26/02/2024 Bertus Preller Alimony, Antenuptial Contracts, Child Maintenance, Children, Costs, Divorce, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Spousal Maintenance accrual system, Asset Division, best interests of children, child maintenance, Court Decisions, court ruling, Divorce, divorce litigation, Equality of Arms, equitable distribution, Family Court, Family Law, financial disparity, Financial Disputes, interim relief, Legal Costs, legal obligations, legal principles, Legal proceedings, Legal Representation, maintenance determination, marital breakdown, marital standard of living, matrimonial assets, Parental Responsibilities, Rule 43, South Africa, spousal maintenance, Uniform Rules of Court Deciphering Divorce: A Rule 43 Ruling on Maintenance and a Contribution to Legal Costs – M Q v V S (0221062023) 2024 ZAGPJHC 188 (23 February 2024). Introduction to the Application for Maintenance and Legal Contributions In this Rule 43 application the court was presented with an intricate application concerning the financial sustenance and legal cost contributions… READ MORE
17/02/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Arrears, Contempt of Court, Divorce, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43 child maintenance, child welfare, contempt of court, court authority, court judgments, court orders compliance, divorce disputes, divorce proceedings, enforcement of court orders, Family Court, Family Law, financial capacity, interim relief, legal advice, Legal Ethics, legal obligations, Legal proceedings, Legal Representation, legal sanctions, Legal Strategy, maintenance orders, matrimonial disputes, matrimonial litigation, non-compliance consequences, parental obligations, paternal grandparents, personal responsibility, Rule 43 Application, South African Law Contempt and Conduct in Divorce Disputes: Navigating the Thin Line Between Legal Obligations and Personal Responsibility. – J.S.H v M.S.H and Others (1308/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 42 (16 February 2024). Background and Proceedings Initiated The case of J.S.H v M.S.H and Others, heard in the Western Cape High Court on 26 January 2024, under the judgment of Adhikari AJ, arose… READ MORE
18/12/2023 Bertus Preller Life Partnerships, Living Together, Universal Partnership Asset Division, Business Partnerships, Cohabitation Agreements, cohabitation rights, Common-Law Relationships, Contractual Relationships, Joint Ventures, legal obligations, Legal Protection, Legal Rights, Non-Marital Partnerships, Partnership Dissolution, Personal Rights, Prescription Law, Prescription Period, Property Division, South African Law, Universal Partnerships, unmarried couples Dividing the Fruits of A Universal Partnership – The Prescription Dilemma in Khan v Shaik (641/2019) [2020] ZASCA 108. Introduction In the Supreme Court of Appeal case of Khan v Shaik (641/2019) ZASCA 108, the South African courts grappled with a nuanced and complex question: Can a claim for… READ MORE
30/11/2023 Bertus Preller Costs, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Hiding Assets, International Divorce Appeal Process, Asset Concealment, Co-ownership, Court Rulings, Divorce, Family Law, Financial Disputes, Legal Consequences South African Law, legal obligations, Legal Perspective, Legal precedents, Legal Representation, Legal Strategy, maintenance claims, Marital Assets, Namibian Law, Property Division, Property Transfer, Public Policy, Trust Agreements Divorce and Deception: A Landmark Case on Hidden Assets and Legal Consequences – Insights from Namibian Law: Oberholzer v Loots and another (SA 33-2021) NASC [2023] (22 November 2023) Background and Relationship between the Parties The Appellant and the Respondent were involved in a personal relationship. During this period, they lived together and were engaged in the management and… READ MORE
22/11/2023 Bertus Preller Alimony, Costs, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Maintenance, Marriage, Rule 43, Spousal Maintenance 2023 legal cases, divorce proceedings, equitable settlements, family court decisions, Family Law, financial assessments in divorce, financial disclosure, interim maintenance, legal case study, legal obligations, legal transparency, maintenance applications, Marriage Dissolution, matrimonial law, P.P v V.P, Rule 43 Application, South African court ruling, spousal maintenance, spousal support Unmasking Financial Realities in P.P v V.P: A Ruling on Interim Maintenance and Rule 43 (027686/2022) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1345 (21 November 2023). Mia J Rule 43 Application Background of the Case In July 1985, the applicant and respondent were married in community of property. The applicant, who intermittently worked as a school… READ MORE
18/07/2023 Bertus Preller Alimony, Financial Disclosure, Maintenance, Settlement agreements, Spousal Maintenance Bertus Preller, court appeal, court decision, court errors, court judgement, court order, Divorce, Divorce Attorney Cape Town, divorce settlement, Family Law, financial arrangements, financial disclosure, financial investigation, High Court appeal, JSB vs LDB, legal appeal, legal case, legal dispute, legal duty, legal obligations, legal precedent, Legal proceedings, Magistrate's errors, Maintenance Act, maintenance agreement, maintenance investigator, maintenance obligations, maintenance officer, settlement agreement, spousal maintenance, spousal support Correcting Course: How the High Court Rectified the Magistrate’s Errors in the JSB vs LDB Spousal Maintenance Case. L.D.B v J.S.B (A3079/2021) ZAGPJHC 786 (13 July 2023) BACKGROUND On the 31st of January 2014, the respondent, JSB, had divorced the appellant, LDB. The terms of the divorce had… READ MORE