02/12/2024 Bertus Preller Actio communi dividundo, Division of Estate, Divorce, Islamic Law, Muslim Marriages, Procedure actio communi dividundo, bound co-ownership, constitutional equality, equal rights, free co-ownership, High Court Judgment, Islamic divorce, Islamic law, Islamic marriage, joint ownership, joint property, legal precedent, marital home, Marriage Dissolution, marriage property, property co-ownership, property dispute, Property Division, property division Islamic marriage, property rights, property sale, property settlement, Property Valuation, South African Law, South African property law, spousal contributions, spouse rights, Talaaq, Western Cape High Court Islamic Marriage Property Rights: High Court Champions Equal Division in K.A v A.E and Another (15857/24) [2024] ZAWCHC 392 (27 November 2024). Background: From Islamic Marriage to Property Dispute The Western Cape High Court recently grappled with a property division dispute stemming from a dissolved Islamic marriage in K.A v A.E and… READ MORE
17/09/2024 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, Actio communi dividundo, Divorce, Marital Regimes accrual system, actio communi dividundo, Antenuptial Contract, bound co-ownership, divorce proceedings, equitable distribution, Judicial Discretion, marital home, Marriage Dissolution, matrimonial property, Property Division, property rights, South African Law, spousal maintenance Bound by Marriage: The Complex Co-ownership Conundrum in P.N v A.E (20081/2023) [2024] ZAWCHC 266 – (16 September 2024). Background: Marriage, Property Acquisition, and Divorce Proceedings In the case of P.N v A.E (20081/2023) ZAWCHC 266 (16 September 2024), we encounter a dispute between married partners over the termination… READ MORE
05/08/2024 Bertus Preller Abuse, Adultery, Adversarial Legal System, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Children, Costs, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Forfeiture of Benefits, Infidelity, Pension Funds, Reasons for Dicorce court discretion, Divorce, Divorce Act, evidence, financial transparency, forfeiture, Gauteng High Court, joint estate, Judge Wanless, legal precedent, litigation, marriage, matrimonial property, pension interest, pleadings, Property Division, South Africa, spousal contribution, substantial misconduct Forfeiture of Benefits in Divorce: Lessons from T.N v S.N (14166/2019) [2024] ZAGPJHC 703 (24 July 2024). Background of the T.N v S.N Divorce Case The case of T.N v S.N (14166/2019) ZAGPJHC 703 (22 July 2024) involves a divorce action heard in the Gauteng High Court,… READ MORE
31/07/2024 Bertus Preller Actio communi dividundo, Adversarial Legal System, Best Interests of the Child, Children, Costs, Divorce, Hostile Family Lawyers, Marital Regimes, Rule 43 actio communi dividundo, best interests of the child, children's interests, costs order, divorce proceedings, equity, family disputes, Family Law, Gauteng Division, High Court, joint ownership, legal precedent, litigation conduct, matrimonial home, Property Division, property rights, punitive costs, Robson v Theron, Rule 43, scale B costs, South African Law, transfer of property, valuation Dividing the Family Home and Awarding Costs: N M v M M and Another (2023/008561) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1818 Balances Property Rights, Children’s Interests, and Litigation Conduct. The Actio Communi Dividundo: Terminating Joint Ownership During Divorce Proceedings In the recent case of N M v M M and Another (2023/008561) ZAGPJHC 1818 (24 July 2024), the Gauteng… READ MORE
03/04/2024 Bertus Preller Contempt of Court, Divorce, Settlement agreements, Trusts, Trusts accountability, Asset Division, beneficiary interests, compliance, contempt of court, court judgment, divorce order, divorce settlement, duty, Family Law, fiduciary responsibility, Johannesburg High Court, joint action, legal obligations, Legal proceedings, legal remedy, M.F v V.F case, Property Division, property sale, settlement agreement, South African trust law, trust administration, Trust assets, trust deed, trust law, trust management, trust property, trustee conduct, trustees Duties of Trustees Unveiled: Insights from the M.F v V.F Case Analysis – M.F v V.F and Others (2003/22202) [2024] ZAGPJHC 318 (2 April 2024). The Facts Mr. M F (the applicant) and Mrs. V F (the first respondent) were married until their divorce on 15 July 2005. The divorce order incorporated a settlement agreement,… READ MORE
23/03/2024 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, Appeal, Divorce, Marital Regimes, Trusts, Trusts accrual system, alter ego trust, Antenuptial Contracts, Asset Concealment, asset protection, Divorce, equitable division, estate calculation, financial manipulation, financial strategy, judicial interpretation, Legal precedents, legal remedies, marital rights, marital wealth, matrimonial disputes, matrimonial property, Paf v Scf, Property Division, South African Law, spouse entitlements, Trust assets, Trust Property Control Act, trust veil Unraveling Trust Assets in Divorce: Navigating South African Matrimonial Law. Trust Assets in Matrimonial Disputes: Navigating South African Legal Waters In South African family law, the treatment of trust assets in matrimonial disputes, particularly during divorce proceedings, presents a complex… READ MORE
22/03/2024 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, Antenuptial Contracts, Divorce accrual system, Antenuptial Contracts, asset exclusion, B F v R F, contract clauses, Divorce, divorce proceedings, equitable distribution, financial analysis, future assets, High Court Judgment, legal interpretation, legal precedent, legal principles, majority judgment, Marital Assets, matrimonial disputes, matrimonial property, matrimonial regime, minority opinion, Property Division, shareholdings, South African Family Law, spousal rights Deciphering Asset Exclusions in Divorce: The Landmark Case of B F v R F (2017/5018A) [2018] ZAGPJHC 699; 2019 (4) SA 145 (GJ) (2 July 2018) and Its Impact on South African Family Law. Introduction, Key Legal Issue, and Antenuptial Contract Asset Exclusion The case of B F v R F delved into the complex interpretation of an antenuptial contract, specifically focusing on a… READ MORE
16/03/2024 Bertus Preller Divorce, Divorce Statistics 2022, age at divorce, Child Custody, children affected by divorce, civil marriage, customary marriage, divorce by province, divorce counseling, divorce court, divorce education, divorce mediation, divorce patterns, divorce proceedings, divorce rate, divorce settlement, divorce solemnization, Divorce Statistics, divorce trends, duration of marriage, Family Law, marital breakdown, marriage, Marriage and divorces statistical release 2024, plaintiff in divorce, population group, Property Division, South Africa, spousal support, type of occupation, unemployment Divorce in South Africa: A Comprehensive Graphical Comparison of the 2022 Divorce Statistics. Comparing the data on divorces from the "Marriages and divorces, 2021" and "Marriages and divorces, 2022" statistical releases, several interesting trends and differences emerge. In 2021, there were 18,208 divorces… READ MORE
18/12/2023 Bertus Preller Life Partnerships, Living Together, Universal Partnership Asset Division, Business Partnerships, Cohabitation Agreements, cohabitation rights, Common-Law Relationships, Contractual Relationships, Joint Ventures, legal obligations, Legal Protection, Legal Rights, Non-Marital Partnerships, Partnership Dissolution, Personal Rights, Prescription Law, Prescription Period, Property Division, South African Law, Universal Partnerships, unmarried couples Dividing the Fruits of A Universal Partnership – The Prescription Dilemma in Khan v Shaik (641/2019) [2020] ZASCA 108. Introduction In the Supreme Court of Appeal case of Khan v Shaik (641/2019) ZASCA 108, the South African courts grappled with a nuanced and complex question: Can a claim for… READ MORE
30/11/2023 Bertus Preller Costs, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Hiding Assets, International Divorce Appeal Process, Asset Concealment, Co-ownership, Court Rulings, Divorce, Family Law, Financial Disputes, Legal Consequences South African Law, legal obligations, Legal Perspective, Legal precedents, Legal Representation, Legal Strategy, maintenance claims, Marital Assets, Namibian Law, Property Division, Property Transfer, Public Policy, Trust Agreements Divorce and Deception: A Landmark Case on Hidden Assets and Legal Consequences – Insights from Namibian Law: Oberholzer v Loots and another (SA 33-2021) NASC [2023] (22 November 2023) Background and Relationship between the Parties The Appellant and the Respondent were involved in a personal relationship. During this period, they lived together and were engaged in the management and… READ MORE