23/01/2025 Bertus Preller Best Interests of the Child, Children, Parental Rights, Same Sex Couples best interests of child, blended families, child welfare, children's rights, children's act, Civil Union Act, Constitutional Rights, contact arrangements, Contact rights, court appointed experts, custody arrangements, drug assessment, educational evidence, expert evidence, Family Advocate, Family Court, Family Law, family relationships, joint custody, joint expert minute, Judicial Discretion, legal precedent, Parental Rights, psychiatric evaluation, Same-Sex Marriage, South African Law, surrogacy, teacher testimony, upper guardian, Western Cape High Court Best Interests of Children Triumph Over Expert Recommendations: D.R v N.M and Another (3358/24) [2025] ZAWCHC 12 (23 January 2025). Introduction: A Modern Family's Legal Journey in the Western Cape High Court In a landmark judgment delivered electronically on 23 January 2025, the Western Cape High Court grappled with complex… READ MORE
19/12/2024 Bertus Preller Costs, Divorce, Procedure, Recission of Divorce Orders, Settlement agreements condonation applications, consent agreement, consent paper validity, Consent Papers, consent validity, Court Jurisdiction, court order rescission, Court Procedures, divorce consent requirements, divorce law south africa, divorce order challenges, divorce order variation, divorce proceedings, divorce rights, divorce settlements, financial pressure divorce, High Court Judgment, legal consent, legal precedent, legal representation divorce, mapongwana aj, Marriage Dissolution, mental health divorce, rescission of court orders, rule 42 applications, rule 42 uniform rules, South African Family Law, undue influence divorce, Western Cape High Court No Easy Path to Rescind Divorce Orders: Western Cape High Court’s Ruling in MMS v LES (5910/2019) [2024] ZAWCHC (19 December 2024). Court Finds No Grounds for Rescission of Divorce Order Despite Claims of Undue Influence In an important judgment delivered by Acting Judge Mapongwana in the Western Cape Division of the… READ MORE
07/12/2024 Bertus Preller Accomodation, Alimony, Arrear Maintenance Variation, Arrears, Children, Divorce, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Spousal Maintenance, Variation Rule 43(6) children's rights, constitutional protection, court order variation, custody rights, divorce proceedings, family accommodation, Family Law, financial protection, High Court Judgment, interim relief, judicial precedent, legal precedent, Lekhuleni J, maintenance arrears, maintenance default, matrimonial home, matrimonial property, Minor Children, parental obligations, property rights, Property Transfer, rental accommodation, Rule 43 variation, shelter protection, shelter rights, South African courts, spousal maintenance, unilateral property sale, upper guardian, Western Cape High Court Selling the Family Home? Court Protects Children’s Rights to Shelter in Ruling: MSH v JSH (Reasons) (618/2019) [2024] ZAWCHC 406 (29 November 2024). Background: The Sale of the Matrimonial Home and Rule 43 Variation In a recent Western Cape High Court decision, M.S.H v J.S.H (Reasons) (618/2019) ZAWCHC 406 (29 November 2024), the… READ MORE
02/12/2024 Bertus Preller Actio communi dividundo, Division of Estate, Divorce, Islamic Law, Muslim Marriages, Procedure actio communi dividundo, bound co-ownership, constitutional equality, equal rights, free co-ownership, High Court Judgment, Islamic divorce, Islamic law, Islamic marriage, joint ownership, joint property, legal precedent, marital home, Marriage Dissolution, marriage property, property co-ownership, property dispute, Property Division, property division Islamic marriage, property rights, property sale, property settlement, Property Valuation, South African Law, South African property law, spousal contributions, spouse rights, Talaaq, Western Cape High Court Islamic Marriage Property Rights: High Court Champions Equal Division in K.A v A.E and Another (15857/24) [2024] ZAWCHC 392 (27 November 2024). Background: From Islamic Marriage to Property Dispute The Western Cape High Court recently grappled with a property division dispute stemming from a dissolved Islamic marriage in K.A v A.E and… READ MORE
12/11/2024 Bertus Preller Antenuptial Contracts, Antenuptial Contracts, Costs, Divorce, Marital Regimes, Procedural Law, Procedure Antenuptial Contract, attorney misconduct, caveat subscriptor, civil procedure, court costs, divorce proceedings, elderly marriage, explanatory affidavits, factual disputes, legal documents, legal presumptions, legal signatures, legal trust, marriage law, matrimonial disputes, matrimonial property, motion application, motion proceedings, notary, oral evidence, personal relationships, Plascon-Evans rule, professional conduct, property regime, Rule 6(5)(g), signing documents, South African Law, wedding gift, wedding MC, Western Cape High Court From Wedding MC to Legal Emergency: How a Rushed Signature Led to a Marriage Property Crisis – B C B v L L B and Others (15788/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 206 (11 November 2024). The Marriage and the Disputed Antenuptial Contract - A 90-Year-Old Groom and His 60-Year-Old Bride In a remarkable case that recently came before the Western Cape High Court, a marriage… READ MORE
07/11/2024 Bertus Preller Abuse, Defamation, Domestic Violence, Malicious Prosecution, Physical Abuse actio iniuriarum, Aquilian action, bail conditions, Case Law, civil damages, civil litigation, constitutional damages, court judgments, Court Procedures, criminal allegations, damages quantum, defamation law, divorce consequences, expert evidence, false allegations, false criminal charges, Judicial Discretion, Justice Gamble, Legal Costs, Legal Fees, legal precedent, legal principles, legal remedies, malicious prosecution, non-patrimonial damages, patrimonial loss, psychological damage, pure economic loss, reputational damage, South African courts, Western Cape High Court Defamation Disaster: From Love at Sea to Legal Storm – Court Awards R665K in G.C v J.C and Others (14205/2014) [2024] ZAWCHC 354. Background: From Marriage to Malicious Charges In what reads like a script from a dramatic courtroom series, the tale of an Italian cruise ship head waiter and a South African… READ MORE
01/11/2024 Bertus Preller Contempt of Court, Costs, Divorce, Hiding Assets, International Divorce, Procedure, Settlement agreements asset distribution, civil debt, civil imprisonment, civil procedure, constitutional law, contempt of court, court authority, Court Orders, cross-border enforcement, debt enforcement, Divorce Act, divorce litigation, divorce settlement, doctrine of effectiveness, emigration consequences, foreign jurisdiction, international debtor, international divorce, international enforcement, jurisdiction, Justice Wille, Legal Jurisdiction, maintenance arrears, maintenance obligations, matrimonial property, monetary judgments, nulla bona, Saudi Arabia, South African Law, Western Cape High Court From Cape Town to Saudi: Why Your Ex Can’t Be Jailed Abroad – V.L v O.C.V (11677/2006 ; 18206/2007) [2024] ZAWCHC 338 (29 October 2024). Background: A 17-Year-Old Divorce Settlement Gone Wrong Picture this: A divorce settlement from 2006, a respondent who jetted off to Saudi Arabia, and an ex-spouse wielding a court order like… READ MORE
13/09/2024 Bertus Preller Asset Disclosure, Division of Estate, Divorce, Hiding Assets, In Community of Property, Recission of Divorce Orders, Settlement agreements Asset Concealment, civil procedure, community of property, contract law, Court Jurisdiction, court order, damages claim, divorce proceedings, divorce settlement, exception, Family Law, financial disclosure, fraud allegations, fraudulent misrepresentation, Judicial Discretion, Legal Ethics, legal precedent, legal remedy, Legal Strategy, Marital Assets, matrimonial property, non-disclosure, professional liability, Public Policy, res judicata, separate action, settlement agreement, South African Law, Western Cape High Court Deception Exposed: L A C v J C [2024] ZAWCHC 143 – (9 September 2024) – Unmasks Fraud in Divorce Settlement Shocker. The Crux of the Case The crux of the case in L A C v J C and Others ZAWCHC 143 was whether the plaintiff could pursue a separate action… READ MORE
12/09/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Alimony, Best Interests of the Child, Child Maintenance, Children, Costs, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Spousal Maintenance, Stepparents blended families, child support, children's rights, financial disclosure, forensic investigation, High-net-worth divorce, in loco parentis, interim maintenance, Legal Costs, Rule 43 Application, South African Family Law, standard of living, stepparent maintenance, Western Cape High Court Stepparent Obligations Redefined: N.M v B.M and Others (11384/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 254 (11 September 2024) – Shakes Up Family Law. The Blended Family Dilemma: Stepparent Maintenance in South African Law The recent judgment in N.M v B.M and Others (11384/2024) ZAWCHC 254 (11 September 2024) has brought the complex issue… READ MORE
21/08/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Best Interests of the Child, Children, Costs, Family Law Court System South Africa, Joint Decision Making, Parental Coordinator, Schools, Urgency Alternative Dispute Resolution, attorney-client scale, best interests of the child, Child Custody, co-parenting, communication skills, costs order, facilitative mediation, Family Advocate, legal precedent, Mediation, parenting coordinator, Rule 41A, school choice, Self-Created Urgency, South African Family Law, Uniform Rules of Court, urgent court application, Western Cape High Court Urgent Co-Parenting Battles: A Lesson in Patience from D.D v I.L and Another (16939/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 215 (20 August 2024). Background: A Preschool Predicament In the Western Cape High Court case of D.D v I.L and Another (16939/2024) ZAWCHC 215 (20 August 2024), we encounter a poignant example of how… READ MORE