20/01/2025 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Anti-Dissipation Interdicts, anti-dissipatory relief, Asset Disclosure, Division of Estate, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Hiding Assets, Maintenance, Procedural Law, Punitive Cost Orders, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Rule 58 Alternative Dispute Resolution, asset dissipation, court enforcement, divorce proceedings, early disclosure, equitable outcomes, Family Law, financial asymmetry, financial disclosure, financial disclosure forms, financial fraud, financial information gap, financial transparency, Gauteng Practice Directive, Gender Equality, Maintenance Act, maintenance disputes, Marital Assets, marital estate, matrimonial property, Mediation, POPI compliance, privacy concerns, procedural reform, South Africa, South African Law Reform Commission, spousal maintenance, Trust assets, uberrimae fidei The Financial Information Gap in Family Law: Addressing Inequities and Reforming Disclosure Practices. The Financial Information Gap: Understanding the Core Problem in Family Law Matters The landscape of family law in South Africa faces a critical challenge rooted in the asymmetrical access to… READ MORE
30/11/2024 Bertus Preller Anti-Dissipation Interdicts, anti-dissipatory relief, Division of Estate, Divorce, In Community of Property, Interdict, Procedural Law, Procedure Attorney Conduct, auction process, civil procedure, conveyancing, court order, divorce agreement, divorce proceedings, divorce settlement, execution debtor, execution sale, High Court Judgment, judicial fairness, judicial interpretation, judicial oversight, Legal Ethics, legal fairness, legal precedent, market value, matrimonial assets, matrimonial property, procedural fairness, property auction, property dispute, property law, property rights, property rights protection, Property Transfer, Property Valuation, sale in execution, Sheriff's sale, South African Law From R1.5 Million to R1000: How a Divorce Property Sale Went Terribly Wrong – M.R.M v M.F.M and Others (M614/2023) [2024] ZANWHC 289 (26 November 2024). In what could be dubbed "The Case of the Thousand Rand Mansion," the North West High Court recently had to grapple with a property sale that would make any estate… READ MORE
13/06/2024 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, Anti-Dissipation Interdicts, anti-dissipatory relief, Appeal, Divorce, Procedural Law accrual system, anti-dissipation interdict, appealability, asset dissipation, constitutional values, constitutionalization, Divorce, evidentiary threshold, exceptional circumstances, fair outcomes, Family Law, intentions, interests of justice, interim orders, judicial accountability, KSL v AL, legal developments, legal principles, marital property, matrimonial disputes, precedents, rule 34 offers, settlement negotiations, South African Law, strategic litigation, Supreme Court of Appeal The SCA Unraveling the Intricacies of Anti-Dissipation Interdicts in Matrimonial Disputes: Lessons from KSL v AL (356/2023) [2024] ZASCA 96 (13 June 2024). The Lowdown: Facts and Background of KSL v AL (356/2023) ZASCA 96 (13 June 2024) The saga of KSL v AL began when KSL (the husband) tied the knot with… READ MORE
11/06/2024 Bertus Preller Anti-Dissipation Interdicts, anti-dissipatory relief, Cryptocurrencies, Cryptocurrency, Division of Estate, Divorce, Hiding Assets, In Community of Property, Subpoenas accrual system, antenuptial agreements, Asset Concealment, asset distribution, asset tracing, Bitcoin, Bitcoin mining, blockchain analysis, blockchain forensics, community of property, cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency valuation, digital currency, digital forensics, digital wallets, Divorce, divorce settlement, financial infidelity, forensic investigation, forensic techniques, hidden assets, interim orders, Legal Framework, legal remedies, matrimonial property, Matrimonial Property Act, OSINT, out of community of property, pseudonymous transactions, South Africa Cryptocurrency and Divorce in South Africa: Unveiling Hidden Digital Assets. Introduction As cryptocurrencies gain widespread adoption and become increasingly mainstream, their use has extended beyond just investment and trading. Cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, have found their way into various aspects of… READ MORE
23/11/2023 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, anti-dissipatory relief, Divorce, Marital Regimes, Settlement agreements Accrual Calculation, Antenuptial Contract, Asset Disclosure, Asset Division, Court Rulings, Divorce Law, divorce proceedings, divorce settlements, Estate Valuation, Financial Outcomes, Financial Settlements, legal implications, Legal Insights, Liability Consideration, Marital Assets., Marriage Dissolution, matrimonial property, Matrimonial Property Act, Property Valuation, South African Law Timing is Everything: The Crucial Role of Accrual Calculation Date in Divorce Cases. R.D.M v M.T.M (M608/22) [2023] ZANWHC 216 (21 November 2023). The facts of the case, as presented in the judgment, revolve around an application for the provisional sequestration of the respondent's estate, following the dissolution of a marriage under South… READ MORE
10/11/2023 Bertus Preller Alimony, anti-dissipatory relief, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Maintenance, Rule 43 asset dissipation, attorney and client scale, Constitutional Rights, court discretion, divorce litigation, equitable access, financial analysis, financial disclosure, financial hardship, gender disparities, legal costs contribution, maintenance payments, matrimonial cases, matrimonial property, prolixity in legal documents, Rule 43, South African Law, Uniform Rules of Court, urgent applications Rule 43 in Action: Deciphering Court Orders on Contribution to Costs and Attorney-Client Scale Cost Orders in Divorce Cases. L.S.P. v R.S.P (2014/2941) ZAGPJHC 1281 (9 November 2023) Summary of the Case Introduction and Background Rule 43 Application: The plaintiff (Applicant) had filed a Rule 43 application in an… READ MORE
02/07/2023 Bertus Preller anti-dissipatory relief, Divorce, Interdict Bertus Preller, close corporation, Divorce, Divorce Attorney Cape Town, Divorce Attorney South Africa, divorce proceedings, husband, interdict, legal victory, matrimonial property, matrimonial residence, property dispute, selling property, urgent relief, wife Securing the Marital Home: A Legal Victory Halting the Sale of a Matrimonial Property Amid Divorce Proceedings MS v MJ GAUTENG HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG CASE NUMBER 2022/218731 - 13 June 2023 Introduction In this case the Applicant had sought urgent relief, aimed at prohibiting the First and… READ MORE