20/01/2025 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Anti-Dissipation Interdicts, anti-dissipatory relief, Asset Disclosure, Division of Estate, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Hiding Assets, Maintenance, Procedural Law, Punitive Cost Orders, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Rule 58 Alternative Dispute Resolution, asset dissipation, court enforcement, divorce proceedings, early disclosure, equitable outcomes, Family Law, financial asymmetry, financial disclosure, financial disclosure forms, financial fraud, financial information gap, financial transparency, Gauteng Practice Directive, Gender Equality, Maintenance Act, maintenance disputes, Marital Assets, marital estate, matrimonial property, Mediation, POPI compliance, privacy concerns, procedural reform, South Africa, South African Law Reform Commission, spousal maintenance, Trust assets, uberrimae fidei The Financial Information Gap in Family Law: Addressing Inequities and Reforming Disclosure Practices. The Financial Information Gap: Understanding the Core Problem in Family Law Matters The landscape of family law in South Africa faces a critical challenge rooted in the asymmetrical access to… READ MORE
17/09/2024 Bertus Preller Division of Estate, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, In Community of Property, Marriage, Settlement agreements Asset Division, community of property, Divorce Act, divorce proceedings, elderly couples, fairness in divorce, full disclosure, High Court Judgment, judicial responsibility, judicial scrutiny, late-life divorce, legal precedent, long-term marriage, marital estate, settlement agreement, South African Law, uncontested divorce, voluntary agreement Judicial Vigilance in Late-Life Divorce: Unpacking E.T v S.T (2024/066890) [2024] ZAGPJHC 873 (16 September 2024). The Importance of Full Disclosure in Divorce Settlements The recent judgment in E.T v S.T (2024/066890) ZAGPJHC 873 (16 September 2024) highlights a crucial aspect of divorce proceedings in South… READ MORE
29/01/2022 Bertus Preller Alimony, Children, Divorce, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43 accrual system, Bertus Preller, children's education, children's stability, community of property, contribution to legal expenses, digital investigation, Divorce, Divorce Attorney Cape Town, divorce mediation, divorce proceedings, Divorce process, divorce settlements, Family Law, finances, financial affairs in divorce, financial disclosure, husband's financial information, insurance policy, interim maintenance, legal negotiations, Legal Representation, maintenance cover, marital estate, matrimonial home, mediation organizations, parenting plan, pension fund division, Primary Caregiver, Property Division, restraining order, retirement annuity, shared parenting, spousal support, women's financial rights Divorce – What every woman should know Making the choice to divorce is a difficult one, and the risk are it’s followed by an even more traumatic lead-up to the divorce, it is like a roller-coaster on… READ MORE