20/08/2024 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, Adversarial Legal System, Costs, Divorce, Hostile Family Lawyers, Maintenance, Procedure, Rule 43, Separation Applications, Subpoenas, Trusts accrual calculations, asset valuation, complex divorces, Divorce Decree, Family Law, Financial Disputes, High-net-worth divorce, interim relief, Judicial Discretion, legal precedent, matrimonial property, protracted proceedings, Rule 43 rights, separation order, South Africa, spousal maintenance, strike date, Trust assets, trust law, vexatious litigation Unshackling Dead Marriages: TD v LD and Others (32195/2017) [2024] ZAGPJHC 751 (12 August 2024) – Reshapes High-Net-Worth Divorces in South Africa. Background: A Protracted Divorce Battle The case of TD v LD and Others (32195/2017) ZAGPJHC 751 (12 August 2024) highlights the complexities and challenges of high-net-worth divorces in South Africa.… READ MORE
22/03/2024 Bertus Preller Accrual Calculation, Antenuptial Contracts, Divorce accrual system, Antenuptial Contract, asset calculation, Asset Division, commencement assets, commencement value, contractual terms, court judgment, Divorce, divorce litigation, estate accrual, Estate Valuation, Family Law, Financial Disputes, Legal Analysis, legal interpretation, legal precedent, marital agreements, Marriage Dissolution, matrimonial property, property exclusion, South African Law, spousal rights, T.N v N.G Commencement Values in Divorce: Analysing T.N v N.G (formerly N) and Others (18159/2013) [2018] ZAWCHC 29; 2018 (4) SA 316 (WCC) (12 March 2018) and the Impact on Antenuptial Contract Interpretation in South Africa. Introduction and Facts In the case of T.N v N.G (formerly N) and Others, the Western Cape Division of the High Court in Cape Town presided over a divorce action… READ MORE
26/02/2024 Bertus Preller Alimony, Antenuptial Contracts, Child Maintenance, Children, Costs, Divorce, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Rule 43 Cost Contributions, Spousal Maintenance accrual system, Asset Division, best interests of children, child maintenance, Court Decisions, court ruling, Divorce, divorce litigation, Equality of Arms, equitable distribution, Family Court, Family Law, financial disparity, Financial Disputes, interim relief, Legal Costs, legal obligations, legal principles, Legal proceedings, Legal Representation, maintenance determination, marital breakdown, marital standard of living, matrimonial assets, Parental Responsibilities, Rule 43, South Africa, spousal maintenance, Uniform Rules of Court Deciphering Divorce: A Rule 43 Ruling on Maintenance and a Contribution to Legal Costs – M Q v V S (0221062023) 2024 ZAGPJHC 188 (23 February 2024). Introduction to the Application for Maintenance and Legal Contributions In this Rule 43 application the court was presented with an intricate application concerning the financial sustenance and legal cost contributions… READ MORE
24/01/2024 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Arrears, Children, Contempt of Court, Divorce, Hostile Family Lawyers, Maintenance adversarial litigation, Amicable Solutions, child welfare, Children's Best Interests, Civil Contempt, Collaborative Resolution, Court Order Compliance, Court Order Violation, D.N.Q v P.Q case, Divorce Litigation Costs, divorce proceedings, Electricity Bill Dispute, Emotional Tensions, Family Law, Financial Disputes, Financial Strain, High Court ruling, Legal Costs, Legal Practitioners' Conduct, Legal Professional Responsibility, Legal Representation, Legal Strategy, Litigation Impact, Marital Tensions, Marumoagae AJ, matrimonial home, Mediation, Rule of Law, South African Judiciary Adversarial Litigation in Divorce and Family Law Practitioners’ Conduct: Unpacking – D.N.Q v P.Q (49090/2021) [2024] ZAGPPHC 12 (12 January 2024). Background of the Dispute The case of D.N.Q v P.Q (49090/2021) ZAGPPHC 12, presided over by Marumoagae AJ, emerged from a dispute within the context of a protracted divorce process.… READ MORE
22/01/2024 Bertus Preller Alimony, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Maintenance, Rule 43 business interests, complete disclosure, complex finances, concealed assets, cost contribution, divorce proceedings, divorce scenario, equitable contributions, fair cost-sharing, financial disclosure, Financial Disputes, financial independence, financial non-disclosure, financial positions, financial stability, financial support, gender disparities, gender realities, Legal Costs, Legal precedents, Legal Representation, litigation expenses, litigation strategies, Marumoagae AJ judgment, Material change in circumstances, matrimonial litigation, Rule 43(6), South African Family Law, wealthier spouse Rule 43(6), Cost Contribution, and the Perils of Financial Non-Disclosure in South African Matrimonial Litigation. – G, Z v G, J.G.C (77979/2018) [2024] ZAGPPHC 7 (12 January 2024). Introduction In this intricate and legally significant judgment Marumoagae AJ presided over a Rule 43(6) application that illuminated key aspects of South African family law, particularly in the context of… READ MORE
30/11/2023 Bertus Preller Costs, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Hiding Assets, International Divorce Appeal Process, Asset Concealment, Co-ownership, Court Rulings, Divorce, Family Law, Financial Disputes, Legal Consequences South African Law, legal obligations, Legal Perspective, Legal precedents, Legal Representation, Legal Strategy, maintenance claims, Marital Assets, Namibian Law, Property Division, Property Transfer, Public Policy, Trust Agreements Divorce and Deception: A Landmark Case on Hidden Assets and Legal Consequences – Insights from Namibian Law: Oberholzer v Loots and another (SA 33-2021) NASC [2023] (22 November 2023) Background and Relationship between the Parties The Appellant and the Respondent were involved in a personal relationship. During this period, they lived together and were engaged in the management and… READ MORE
23/11/2023 Bertus Preller Arrears Asset Concealment, Asset Discovery, Cheetah Banknotes, Court Proceedings, divorce case, divorce proceedings, Family Law, Financial Disputes, financial investigation, interim maintenance, legal battle, Legal Complexity, Legal Drama Rule 43, Legal Strategy, Mandela Coins, Marital Assets, Marital Disputes, Personal Belongings, South African Law, staying subpoena, Subpoena Uncovering Hidden Treasures in Divorce Disputes: The Tale of Mandela Coins and Mysterious Cheetah-Adorned Banknotes. Staying a Rule 43 Application. – J.P.R.D v L.S.D (20916/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 296 (23 November 2023) Wille J Background and Nature of the Case The case involved an application for a temporary stay of proceedings while an application to set aside a subpoena by a third… READ MORE