02/02/2024 Bertus Preller Appeal, Mootness, Procedure admissibility, appeals, appellate proceedings, civil union, Court Rulings, customary marriage, division of estate, finality in trials, hearsay evidence, Herbstein and Van Winsen, jurisprudence, Legal Framework, Legal precedents, legal principles, lobola, Marital Disputes, matrimonial benefits, matrimonial property, mootness doctrine, N B v T B, Narius Moloto v The Pan Africanist Congress Of Azania, new evidence, practical effect, South African Law, Superior Courts Act, ZAECMHC Navigating Marital Disputes and New Evidence in Appeals: Insights from N B v T B and Another. – N B v T B and Another (2669/2021; CA 81/2022) [2024] ZAECMHC 8 (30 January 2024), also cited as N.P.B v T.I.B and Another – Appeal (CA 81/2022) [2024] ZAECMHC 4 (30 January 2024). Introduction In the case of N B v T B and Another (2669/2021; CA 81/2022) ZAECMHC 8 (30 January 2024), the court was presented with an appeal against the decision… READ MORE
06/01/2024 Bertus Preller Alimony, Arrears, Divorce, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Spousal Maintenance child support, court ruling, divorce settlements, Family Law, family responsibilities, Financial Obligations, High Court, judicial decisions, legal enforcement, legal implications, Legal precedents, maintenance compliance, maintenance orders, Marital Disputes, new case law, pension fund attachment, retirement annuity, South Africa, spousal support, unpaid maintenance Failure to Pay Maintenance Leads to Retirement Annuity Attachment: A South African High Court Ruling. MO v RO AND ANOTHER – Case Number: 15617/2022 – 5 January 2024. Case Overview In a recently concluded application in the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town), with case number 15617/2022, MO (the applicant) brought an urgent application… READ MORE
23/11/2023 Bertus Preller Arrears Asset Concealment, Asset Discovery, Cheetah Banknotes, Court Proceedings, divorce case, divorce proceedings, Family Law, Financial Disputes, financial investigation, interim maintenance, legal battle, Legal Complexity, Legal Drama Rule 43, Legal Strategy, Mandela Coins, Marital Assets, Marital Disputes, Personal Belongings, South African Law, staying subpoena, Subpoena Uncovering Hidden Treasures in Divorce Disputes: The Tale of Mandela Coins and Mysterious Cheetah-Adorned Banknotes. Staying a Rule 43 Application. – J.P.R.D v L.S.D (20916/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 296 (23 November 2023) Wille J Background and Nature of the Case The case involved an application for a temporary stay of proceedings while an application to set aside a subpoena by a third… READ MORE