11/06/2024 Bertus Preller Divorce, Forfeiture of Benefits asset distribution, Beaumont v Beaumont, community of property, court ruling, Divorce, Divorce Act 70 of 1979, divorce settlement, Family Law, financial support, forfeiture, immovable property, irretrievable breakdown, joint estate, Klerck v Klerck, KT v MR, Legal Framework, Legal precedents, legal professionals, M.C.N v G.M.L.N, maintenance, marital breakdown, matrimonial property, misconduct, paternity, patrimonial benefits, pension fund, primary breadwinner, South Africa, substantial misconduct Breaking Down the M.C.N v G.M.L.N (Born M.) (1629/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 516 (7 June 2024) Divorce Case: Forfeiture of Patrimonial Benefits in South Africa. Case Summary In the case of M.C.N v G.M.L.N (Born M.) (1629/2022) ZAGPPHC 516 (7 June 2024) the parties were married in community of property in 2000. The marriage lasted… READ MORE