27/01/2024 Bertus Preller Abuse, Adultery, Coercive Control, Costs, Divorce, Emotional Abuse, Financial Abuse, Forfeiture of Benefits, In Community of Property, Infidelity, Physical Abuse, Psychological Abuse, Reasons for Dicorce Asset Division, asset forfeiture in divorce, court evidence, court judgments, divorce case analysis, Divorce Law, divorce litigation, divorce outcomes, divorce settlements, equitable distribution, extra-marital affairs, family court dynamics, family law case studies, forfeiture, legal implications, Legal proceedings, Legal Strategy, marital breakdown, Marriage Dissolution, matrimonial conduct, matrimonial disputes, patrimonial benefits, personal conduct, physical abuse, protection orders, South African Family Law, spousal allegations, spousal behavior, spouse behavior in divorce Infidelity, Abuse, and Forfeiture: Behind the Gavel – Deciphering the Role of Personal Conduct in Divorce Outcomes in South African Courts. – M.F.B v J.B (5674/2016) [2024] ZALMPPHC 7 (24 January 2024). Background and Claims In the case presided over by Naude-Odendaal J, the Plaintiff M.F.B filed for divorce against the Defendant J.B on 23 November 2016. The Plaintiff sought a decree… READ MORE
09/07/2023 Bertus Preller Abuse, Children, Living Together, Parental Rights age difference, Bertus Preller, biological father, boarding school, child welfare, custody dispute, deception, denial of access, Family Law, impact on child, legal battle, minor child, mother, non-compliance, out of wedlock, parental conflict, physical abuse, protection order, relationship dynamics, sentencing, unconventional parenting, unique case, verbal abuse The Complex Battle for Care and Contact: An Unconventional Case of Parental Conflict, the Views, and the Welfare of a Minor Child. A.C v S.A.M (22507/2021) ZAGPJHC 756 (27 June 2023) INTRODUCTION This matter was initially brought before the court on 18 May 2021 as an urgent application. The applicant sought an… READ MORE