17/06/2024 Bertus Preller Appeal, Best Interests of the Child, Children, Parental Rights, Procedure appealable order, best interests of children, care assessment, Case No: 3358/2024, children's act, contact assessment, DR v NM and RL, Family Advocate, Girdwood v Girdwood, interlocutory order, Kotze v Kotze, leave to appeal, Minor Children, parenting plan, S v Notshokovu, Superior Courts Act, Supreme Court ActDR v NM and Another (3358/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 69 - (7 June 2024), Tshwane City v Afriforum, upper guardian, Western Cape High Court DR v NM and RL: Western Cape High Court Upholds Best Interests of Children in Dismissing Leave to Appeal of DR v NM and Another (3358/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 69 – (7 June 2024). Introduction In a recent judgment, the Western Cape High Court dismissed an application for leave to appeal brought by the first respondent against an order directing the Office of the… READ MORE