23/04/2024 Bertus Preller Costs 2022/18404, Access to Justice, complexity, costs order, counsel's fees, High Court, importance, jurisdiction, Labour Court, Legal Fees, Mashavha v Enaex Africa (Pty) Ltd, party and party costs, prospective application, Rule 67A, scale of costs, standing, Uniform Rules of Court, value, ZAGPJHC 387 Mashavha v Enaex Africa (Pty) Ltd (2022/18404) [2024] ZAGPJHC 387 (22 April 2024): Application of New Rule 67A on Party and Party Costs in the High Court. Facts of the Case In the case of Mashavha v Enaex Africa (Pty) Ltd (2022/18404) ZAGPJHC 387 (22 April 2024), the applicant, Lucky Ephraim Mashavha, brought an application against several… READ MORE