23/12/2024 Bertus Preller Abduction, Appeal, Best Interests of the Child, Children, Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, Holiday Travel, International Travel, Parental Alienation, Parental Rights, Procedure, Relocation Article 13(b), Australian courts, Central Authority, child abduction, child protection, child rights, child welfare, children's act, Constitutional Challenges, cross-border parenting, custody proceedings, domestic violence, Expeditious Proceedings, Family Advocate, grave risk defence, Hague Convention, international child return, international family law, international obligations, Judicial Discretion, judicial separation, legal precedent, Parental Rights, procedural delays, Protective Measures, South Africa, South African jurisdiction, Supreme Court of Appeal, time limits, undertakings, urgent applications When Time is Not on Your Side: Supreme Court Issues Urgent Warning on Hague Convention Delays in N M v Central Authority for Republic of South Africa and Another [2024] ZASCA 178 (19 December 2024). Introduction: A Child's Journey Between Two Continents The Supreme Court of Appeal recently delivered a landmark judgment in N M v Central Authority for Republic of South Africa and Another… READ MORE
21/11/2023 Bertus Preller Adversarial Legal System, Alimony, Costs, Divorce, Financial Disclosure, Interim Maintenance, Maintenance, Rule 43, Spousal Maintenance Affidavit Analysis, Attorney Conduct, child maintenance, Condonation, Constitutional Challenges, Court Rulings, divorce proceedings, Family Law, financial disclosure, interim relief, Legal Ethics, Legal precedents, Legal Procedure, Litigation Tactics, maintenance pendente lite, Procedural Compliance, Prolixity in Affidavits, Rule 30 Challenge, Rule 43 Application, South African High Court Navigating the Complex Waters of Financial Disclosure in Rule 43 Applications and Legal Ethics: A Closer Look at a Landmark Ruling and the Conduct of the Respondent’s Attorney. I P v N P ; In re: N P v I P (16768/2023) ZAWCHC 170 (20 November 2023) Analysis of Rule 30 and Rule 43 Applications Overview of the… READ MORE