19/04/2024 Bertus Preller Best Interests of the Child, Children, Parental Rights 14667/2022, best interests of the child, Child Custody, child development, child protection, child well-being, co-parenting, Court Directives, court-appointed expert, Divorce, domestic violence, drug testing, emotional instability, Family Court, family dispute resolution, Family Law, high-conflict custody, individual therapy, parental accountability, parental alienation, parental progress, Parental Rights, parenting coordinator, parenting deficiencies, parenting plan, phased approach, shared care arrangement, substance abuse, TH v CH, ZAWCHC Balancing Parental Rights and the Best Interests of the Child in High-Conflict Care and Contact Cases. – TH v CH (14667/2022) [2024] ZAWCHC 100 (9 April 2024). Introduction In TH v CH (14667/2022) ZAWCHC 100 (9 April 2024), the Western Cape High Court heard a case between divorced parents, TH (the father and applicant) and CH (the… READ MORE
10/02/2024 Bertus Preller Divorce, Procedural Law, Procedure, Universal Partnership amendment, amendment application, Asset Division, Court Directives, De Klerk v Du Plessis, defence preparation, divorce proceedings, excipiable issues, judicial decision, Judicial Service Commission v Cape Bar Council, legal amendments, Legal Analysis, legal objections, legal practice, Legal precedents, legal ruling, Legal Strategy, litigation, Manyatshe v South African Post Office, non-joinder, particulars of claim, PITMAN AJ, procedural fairness, profit motive, Smith v Conelect, South African Law, special plea, universal partnership Procedural Law – Amending a Particulars of Claim – M-B.F.M v H.P.N.P (5182/2022P) [2024] ZAKZPHC 8 (8 February 2024). Introduction to the Amendment Dispute In a noteworthy case, PITMAN AJ presided over a case that brought to the fore a contentious issue regarding the amendment of the particulars of… READ MORE
23/01/2024 Bertus Preller Arrears, Children, Contempt of Court, Divorce, Guardianship, Maintenance, Marriage, Parental Rights Adherence to Court Orders, Attorney and Client Costs, Child's Welfare, Child's Best Interests, Children’s Act 38 of 2005, Constitutional Violation, Contact rights, Contempt of Court Orders, Court Directives, Custodial Sentence, Emotional Strain, Gauteng High Court, Justice Phahlane, Legal Practitioners' Duty, Legal Recourse, Legal System Integrity, maintenance obligations, minor child, Mosopa Order, non-compliance, Parental Responsibilities, Parental Rights, Psychological Impact, Repeated Defiance, Rule of Law, Separation, South African Legal Framework, Urgent Application, Voster Order Justice Prevails: A Landmark Twelve-Month Sentence Upholding the Child’s Best Interests. – B.M.G.S v M.B.S and Others (26675/2022) [2024] ZAGPPHC 24 (8 January 2024). Introduction In this case presided over by Justice Phahlane, the applicant, Mr. S, approached the Gauteng High Court on an urgent basis. The case centred around the contempt of two… READ MORE