22/04/2024 Bertus Preller Arrears, Child Maintenance, Children, Divorce, Maintenance, Procedure arrears, attachment of assets, costs order, counsel's fees, discretion, divorce order, factual basis, Family Law, High Court, inherent jurisdiction, injustice, maintenance court, maintenance enforcement, movable property, new costs rules, oppressive conduct, post-divorce dispute, precedent, right of election, self-supporting children, settlement agreement, stay of execution, substantive engagement, taxation, trust funds, Writ of Execution High Court Upholds Writ of Execution for Unpaid Maintenance Despite Forum Challenge. – M.R v L.O and Others (2023/070007) [2024] ZAGPJHC 371, (16 April 2024). Facts of the Case M.R v L.O and Others revolves around a dispute between former spouses over allegedly unpaid child maintenance. When the parties divorced, their divorce order incorporated a… READ MORE