15/03/2024 Bertus Preller Best Interests of the Child, Parental Rights, Relocation Australia, Child Custody, child welfare, child's preference, Child's Best Interests, court decision, cross-border custody, cultural integration, Custodian Parent, custody agreement, educational impact, expert evidence, Family Advocate, Family Court, France, Hague Convention, International Relocation, judicial analysis, legal dispute, legal precedent, legal principles, non-custodial parent, parental consent, parental plans, Parental Rights, psychological evaluation, relocation guidelines, RH v NM, South African Family Law Navigating the Waters of International Child Relocation: A Legal Deep Dive into R.H v N.M (12871/2021) [2024] ZAWCHC 77 (11 March 2024). Navigating International Custody Disputes: Insights from RH v NM In the matter of RH v NM, the Western Cape High Court delved into a complex international custody dispute, providing significant… READ MORE