01/06/2024 Bertus Preller Best Interests of the Child, Children, Conduct of Childcare Experts, Guardianship, Parental Rights, Relocation, Views of the Child best interests of the child, child development, Child Relocation, child's views, Children’s Act 38 of 2005, clinical psychologist, co-parenting, competing interests, counselling psychologist, emotional well-being, expert evidence, Family Law, landmark decision, meaningful relationship, non-relocating parent, Parental Rights, parenting plan, reasonableness of relocation, relocating parent, relocation application, relocation assessment, relocation dispute, relocation factors, relocation hearing, relocation judgment, relocation order, section 28(2) Constitution, shared parenting, urgent relief V.L v F.N (4760/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 146 (30 May 2024) – A Court Decision in Family Law on Child Relocation. Introduction In the recent case of V.L v F.N (4760/2024) ZAWCHC 146, delivered on 30 May 2024, the Western Cape High Court was faced with a complex and emotionally charged… READ MORE