06/06/2024 Bertus Preller Divorce, Forfeiture of Benefits, In Community of Property 2024 ZAECMHC 37, Botha v Botha, Case Law, community of property, court judgment, division of property, Divorce Act, divorce judgment, Divorce Law, Eastern Cape Division, Engelbrecht v Engelbrecht, Family Law, Forfeiture of benefits, High Court, joint estate, Legal Analysis, legal appeal, legal precedent, marital benefits, marital home, matrimonial dispute, matrimonial property, pension interest, regional court, Section 9, South Africa, undue benefit, V G v T M, Wijker v Wijker, Z v Z Forfeiture of Benefits in Divorce: Analysis of V G v T M [2024] ZAECMHC 37. Introduction and Background of the Case The case of V G v T M ZAECMHC 37 revolves around an appeal by the appellant, V G, against the judgment rendered by… READ MORE